leaf problems


hey guys i have some 2 week old plants that were really healthy but are now showing some deficincy signs but im not too sure what kind. im growing in co co coir and using 6.0 ph.


New Member
its abit like pissing in the wind without more info but i would say magnesium def. add 2tsp of epsom salts per gallon of water.you can also foliar feed epsom salts at 2%


Active Member
I got the same issue and I'm in DWC and was ph'ing at 6.0 when I got the def. I dropped it to 5.5 and it's not spreading anymore but looks like only a very tiny bit of recovery each day...try dropping that ph a bit and look up zinc Deficiancy I think it gets locked out at 5.7. Hope you solve the prob I'm still waiting for a little more recovery till I flip em!