leaf problems


Well-Known Member
I ended up getting Safers spidermite control...git the gf to spay the plant when i was at work and when i came home took a look at it and they seem to be mostly gone...i will be spraying her again in about a week, have to do it 3 times at once a week.

The Ganj Father

Well-Known Member
I think the birth cycle of the spider mites is 4-5 day (if anyone cane chime in that would be great) but you want to make sure you kill them AS SOON as they hatch, otherwise they will lay more eggs before you kill them. if the get to lay more than a few generations they will atart to build immunitys to the mitecide! I would go for a more offensive approach, spray every other day for 6 days to get rid of any mites that hatched from eggs that might have already been layed before you sprayed, or else you'll have a week of eggs hatching and maturing and laying more eggs... then after 6 days go one a week, for a couple weeks, u should be mite free!


Active Member
Neem oil is not very effective, einstiens ( cold pressed neem oil) works better. Best go to e-bay and get AVID , you will never have them again! Spray every day for about a week, its like killing a bird with a cannon but will not affect your plant.


Active Member
one of my plants has the same problem. a few leaves look like they have been chewed on. i justed noticed them today and can see no bugs.