Leaf problems


New Member
I have leafs toward the bottom of two of my plants that are wilting and one plants new growth has light green tips. I have not feed any nutes yet. I transplanted into ffof 15 days ago. Should I fed nutes? Should I remove the leafs?
I checked for bugs and don’t see any got yellow sticky traps and there’s nothing on them.
My temperature is between 78 sometimes 83 with lights on and 70 lights off as low as 66 though. Too much of a temp swing?
Any advise is appreciated.


I have leafs toward the bottom of two of my plants that are wilting and one plants new growth has light green tips. I have not feed any nutes yet. I transplanted into ffof 15 days ago. Should I fed nutes? Should I remove the leafs?
I checked for bugs and don’t see any got yellow sticky traps and there’s nothing on them.
My temperature is between 78 sometimes 83 with lights on and 70 lights off as low as 66 though. Too much of a temp swing?
Any advise is appreciated.
do you have any way to check the pH or TDS of the water your using? looks like a pH issue imo but idk .
you should water with a low dose nutrient so you don't Gert lockout from using straight tap water like I'm assuming you are.

temp swing is fine.

don't remove the leaves, just adjust the pH of the water u use to water to about 6.5 and see what happens


New Member
I water with distilled water with cal mag ph to 6.2. I check the ph of the runoff a week ago and it was 6.6 the ppm be about 250