Leaf Problems - Fungus, Bugs, or what?


Please take a look at the attached pics. I have lants in wk 5 of flower. Previous thrip problems but under control now. Looking under magnification, the spots are bumps. The leaves have a metallic sheen to them under mag. Humidity, light distance, & Temp are all ok. Water & Nutes PH @ 6.5 and 1300ppm. Using CO2 gen @ 1500ppm & Ozone generator is on but on the other side of the wall mixing vent gases. I can't find if it is a fungus, nute deficiency, or what. The plants look healthy and are budding great. I am concerned the issue might escalate and ruin the harvest. Any suggestions, questions?


Well-Known Member
it does look like its from the ozone genereator but do a quick check on the undersides of the leaves to see if there are any types of specs on them.


Well-Known Member
I have a very similar looking problem that is being caused by black specs, some type of bug or fungis or something, I cant identify it..


ticktok do the ozone generators work? never used one but heard things about them!
Spots on leaf backs are bleed through from front side. No black specs. No spider mites either. Stiffla, The Ozinator is what I have and it works great. I normally cut it on after week 4 or 5 with its own ex fan. Use plenty of ducting after the ozinator to diffuse the mixture. Keeps the house odor free and the garden is fresh. Neighbors are clueless. Never had ill effects before, but I have just started using a CO2 gen and was ducting it through the ozinator and out of the vent. I may have to add a fan for the CO2 on its own. Trying to save some cash.