leaf problem


Active Member
Dude...I know what that is! Most likely you got too much salt in your soil what are you using to grow? What ever the fuck it is your using too much of it or the plant is too young to handle what you're feeding it. Flush the soil whatever it is.


Active Member
I was an Idiot and started the seeds in soil that I used for my last grow...(that soil wasn't flushed) I then noticed problems and then transplanted them in peatmoss... they haven't shown any sign of recovery and its been like 4 weeks... I was thinking that it just could be they needed a fertilizer routine and that the straight peatmoss and fresh water (bottled water) wasn't good enough. I was going to try a 20-20-20 fertilizer? maybe Epsom salts? what the leaves are showing is not chemical burn is it? They get crispy at the ends where it looks all nasty and shit.


Active Member
Yeah it looks like a type of chemical burn....when my friend of a friend had his plants he used Miracle Gro potting soil, perlite and epsom salt. The end result was a plant that looked like yours. He later on corrected the problem by flushing the soil once a day in the morning. It was the Epsom salt that gave it the brown spots and yellowing leaves. so my theory is that somehow you have a salt build up in your soil or it could be another mineral! but anyway mane, jus try to flush the soil out until the plant looks a lil greener. Then put it on a regular nutrient cycle. ....If your leaves start coming out pale yellow(no brown spots or close to it) that its time for nutrients. Jus' my thoughts!