leaf problem help


Active Member
Hey all....

Does anyone have any ideas to what might be causing and a possible fix for this?She is a grandaddy purple about to be in 5th wk of flower.Im using FF soil & FF nuts (tiger & big bloom) with every watering but with the lighter dose recommendation.Im going straight water this week when needed in case of over feeding.Temps dont get higher than 89f day and around 75 at night.These seem to be for now on the older leaves.Thoughts and suggestions welcomed.



Well-Known Member
This post made my day. My girls are just about to go wild with flowers from what I can see and at the same time a few leaves are going yellow and one is an exact match to the one on the right above. So all is good?


Active Member
Im soooo not worthy....yet ;),but thats why im here.Lots of extremely knowledgeable awesome peeps here to share the love.

I read that in the FAQ's and seen it in a few threads but the way the veins looked made me worried a tad.I am keeping an eye on the new growth and so far so good.Thx 4 the kind w3rds and having my back!

For a non-related very newb and slighty retarded question......how do I add a custom link to my grow in my signature?


Well-Known Member
Hey, I embedded my gallery link into my sig line. If only I were clever like that all day, instead of just once in a while.
This post made my day. My girls are just about to go wild with flowers from what I can see and at the same time a few leaves are going yellow and one is an exact match to the one on the right above. So all is good?
Yes, but remember, they still need some food while flowering. Lower nitrogen levels than vegetation but higher P (phosphorous) levels during flowering.

Silky Shagsalot

Well-Known Member
5th wk of flower.Im using FF soil & FF nuts (tiger & big bloom) with every watering but with the lighter dose recommendation.Im going straight water this week when needed in case of over feeding.Temps dont get higher than 89f day and around 75 at night.These seem to be for now on the older leaves.Thoughts and suggestions welcomed.
you should only be feeding once a week. plain ph'd water in between. i believe ff soil has some pre-added ferts. keeping this in mind, you should now start, gradually reducing your feed ppm. this reduces nute levels. your plant is "yellowing off." when it gets close to the end of it's life cycle this is what happens. this is good! in the last week or so just give it plain water. this will flush out most remaining nutes from the medium. you'll really see some color changes. keep your eye's on the trichs.