Leaf problem???, first grow, help!!!


Well-Known Member
My plants were started from clones. When I transplanted them into bigger pots they had yellow spots showing a nitrogen diffecency, but once they were transplanted that went away due to the new soil and the neutrients after about 3 weeks. Problem came to be that I actually got one extra clone on accident. I didn't have a pot for it, so I put it in a smaller container which has been good and is good for now, but will soon need transplanted. I was actually gonna transplant it today, but I noticed some spots on one of the leaves. I remember the plant having some yellow on a few leaves when I first planted it, but I never noticed if those were the spots that turned this brownish. So it may be the recovery from the nitrogen diffecency, I think? I have the Jorge Cervantes grow bible and one of the pictures closely resembles a nitrogen diffecency in his book. I looked through the book to see about bugs/pests, but nothing matched up. Plus I spray them with an anti-mite spray, it's organic and was suggested to me by my local garden store. I don't have a clue what it is if it isn't where the yellow spots have started to recover.... anyone have any idea? Here are a couple pictures, I don't know how much they will help ya.

