Leaf mutation?


Active Member
Hey guys, so I've just joined this site and I've started my first official grow (my old one was a joke...) The plant is one week and a day old and seems to be doing alright so far IMO, accept for some strange mutation on the leaves. It seems that some of the fingers have grown on some of the leaves and others haven't. One of the leaves even has a finger partially growing out of the side of it, but it's like fused into it. Sorry for the crappy pics i only have a phone camera, but any help is greatly appreciated :)
Thanks in advance.

- Bagseed
- Grown under one 100 watt daylight cfl
- 6 parts Normal potting soil (forget the brand.. not miracle grow) 3 parts perlite 1 part worm castings
- 24 hour constant light
- I don't have a thermometer but the temperature seems perfect to me


Abysmal Darkenin

Well-Known Member
its fine i had the same type of leafs and not it normal just use some honey or mollases to increase root growth and leaving will normalize.. hope it helps


Well-Known Member
from the pics i cant really see what your talking about, it looks pretty normal to me, but i think i understand what your talking about, either way dont worry though, its not a big deal. happens every once in a while. ive seen it on here many times and once in person, they will be fine, but watch for hermies, apparently this group of seeds has somewhat unstable genetics.