Leaf issues


Well-Known Member
Anyone know what issue tthis is? I have been getting these leaves mostly on a new strain, Dark Star Kush. Also seen on Jilly Bean.
It is Day 40 indoors with ebb and grow with rockwool.



Well-Known Member
potassium, manganese or zinc deff I`d guess, might be able to fix it with cal/mag or extra copper or ph adjustments early but seems like your feed or soil needs amending if that`s happening before your ready

you done anything different this run ?


Well-Known Member
Thanks Konassure.
I did stop using tap water. Supplementing 3ml of CALiMAGic. I guessed Manganese, but that is a weird one to get.


Well-Known Member
Thanks Konassure.
I did stop using tap water. Supplementing 3ml of CALiMAGic. I guessed Manganese, but that is a weird one to get.
yeah it is

Hmm you live in a hard water area ? may have been some iron in your water bringing in the manganese, or something buffering in your tap water maybe extra cal or mag or like I said some iron was meaning it was not an issue before

yeah a strange one but it is the secondary most commonly not known due to it`s funny name and it being quite rare to find solo in nature its normally paired with iron ore or something right ?


Well-Known Member
George, you should put up more info, like what ferts, how much is the npk, what are the other nutrients in the fert, what are you room temps like with lights on and off, how long do you flood and how much time in between floods, etc. no one can make accurate assessment just on your pics, however having said that, it really looks like you're overferting because you have dark green leaves with leaf tip and edge tissue death.
also I don't know where konasure is getting his ideas because you can't fix potassium, manganese, or zinc problems with changes to copper or pH. That was one of the more strange things I've read in these forums. If you don't know what you're saying then please don't mislead others with guesses. That won't help the grower.


Well-Known Member
Over fertilizing is certainly a possibility.
I run cultured solutions, maxing at 2.2 EC. Bloom A and B, bid booster, and UC roots.
Flooding for 15min, twice a day. Once at lights on, another 8 hours later.
Room temps are at 87 with co2.

The new Dark Star is highlighting the issue.


Well-Known Member
Ok. I edited my nutrient schedule, topping out at 1.5 EC. Back to what it was a few months ago. I tried higher ppm as a last effort to grow roots, but it ended up being something else.