leaf issues, no idea!


Active Member
have a look at the pics please. not sure what im doin wrong...

ph is about 7.
havent nuted.
dont think im overwatering. i use a moisture scale to check when they get dry.
temps did gt a bit high. and humidity was low.
i feared mg def and added epsom salts...

the pics show all 4 plants, but as you can see one is doing fine, the other 3 are in different levels of angst.

they are under 375w of envirolites.

been vegging for about 4 weeks. was going to put them into flowering this week as space is limited...

please advise! i have looked at so many pics and cant figure it out.


Active Member
haha im gonna have to change it! got loads of message asking if it was me, well yeh it is, us girls can grow sens too ( well at least try lol haha my plants are crispy)


Active Member
i forget the name...i think it was from homebase...?the bag was binned...

the plant that seems to be doing ok is also much smaller and the soil seemed more compacted if thats any help? the water took longer ot seep in than the other 3 plants.

should i keep them vegging for a while until we find out the problem?


Well-Known Member
us girls can grow sens too
Too right you can, it's an equal opportunity plant after all ;)

Ok so the plant!

Looks Magnesium deficient to me. Could be nute burn but I doubt it as you haven't nuted.

I like my Ph at 6.8 in soil, can you drop yours to 6.8?

What soil are they in?

How big are the containers?

What nute do you have for them?


Active Member
im just doing another ph reading. i sanded down the meter as i think oxidisation might have caused an issue. just giving it a few minutes to settle. the pots are approx 20cm across and 30 cm deep. nutes lined up are ionic.

i have added epsom but the problem is only worsening. doesnt seem to be affecting the smaller stems just the fan leaves...


Well-Known Member
I think they need to be fed (lightly)

Epsom salt was a start, but they need a decent grow nutrient with all the essentials in it.

Your nutes will probably drop the ph a little.

What temp is your grow room?

How much more height do you have and what light will you use to flower?

If you don't have enough room to keep vegging then Flower them now, or you could tie them down and let them veg a little longer while they recover.


Active Member
I would not put them into flowering until I knew what the problem is. If you are worried about space, top them and let them get bushier (if you have not already). I am assuming the soil does not have some sort of slow release nutes in them? If so that could be the problem

Check out the below link, I have found it very helpfull and hopefully you will too.


I would try giving them some nutes (not MG), go about 1/3 to 1/4 of the recommended amount you should know in a couple days if it is tied to this. The PH in your soil shoulb be okay but getting a bit on the high side.

I do not consider myself an expert but I would give it a shot. generally at the 4/5 week staged the plant has used up all the nutes in the soil and needs replenishing.


Active Member
Im having the exact same problem but I did over nute it
hiya, have u got a photo of yours? just to compare?

the ph seems to be at around 6.8 or 6.7 the meter im using isnt digital so the scale is slightly off but its definitely below 7.

think it could be chlorine issues from water used? i get a lot of gas when the tap water settles out and the plants did take a hit from water that hadnt settled as i had to head out for 2 days and they were dry...


Active Member
ok im gonna have a read through that guide, thanks! it looks better than the standard one i always refer to i find it hard to follow as all the defs look similar to an untrained eye.
i will refrain from flowering mode until its all resolved. have u got a link to a decent plant cultivation page? just regarding the topping really so i know what im doing.... i still have a foot or so left i just didnt want them to outgrow the pots or cause too much foliage as im on the flouros and they arent very penetrating. will new growth at the top add some extra fan leaves? im losing quite a lot of fan leaves at the moment.


Well-Known Member
the ph seems to be at around 6.8 or 6.7 the meter im using isnt digital so the scale is slightly off but its definitely below 7.

think it could be chlorine issues from water used? i get a lot of gas when the tap water settles out and the plants did take a hit from water that hadnt settled as i had to head out for 2 days and they were dry...
6.7/6.8 is fine.

One or two waterings with undistilled water is not a biggy. It's more likely nutrient Deficiency.


Active Member
right ok im gonna get onto it.

i have two fans running now and have also upped my humidity just incase its heat related as well. strange though that one plant looks sweet and the other three are gnarled...