leaf is twisting??


Well-Known Member
okay i have a pretty big healthy momma plant. and other than this leaf everything is nice and green so idk what it is can you help. i just dont want it to spread



Well-Known Member
I don't know exactly what your problem is but flush with distilled water and Im sure things will improve
If its just one and you havent changed anything at all just the plant getting rid of some crap it injested. If it keeps up then flush. What nutes are you giving it


Well-Known Member
That is completely normal, that leaf probably wasn't getting light. Chop them off when they start to look like that, leave them though until they look bad. Plants still take stuff back from them.


Active Member
looks like nute burn to me..

How often do yo feed, what do you feed, and how many times have you fed this plant during its life? :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Thats the plague for sure. I bet by the time you get back to your plant it will have spread everywhere!!!!!!!!! If its just the one leaf, as already stated, no worries.