Leaf Holes!


Hi I'm growing outdoors on my balcony.
I have run in to some pest problems (i believe).

The holes appear over night, and i have cheeked the leafs but i can't see any pests on them.

The thing thats eating on the leafs don't eat all the way through, the top layer of the leaf is still there making it look like its covered in plastic foil.

any one knows a good way to combat this problem??

More info on the grow can be found hear!


I have looked around the web and it's eater some kinf of fungai infection or some kind od Hymenoptera caterpillar/maggot. (from what I have seen on none-plant specific guides)

I have put some petroleum jelly (vaseline) on the bottom (around seed leafs) and between node 2 & 3 on the stems. if it's a "walking bug" i guess that it don't like the stuff, as it would get stuck in it.

And i will get a foliar spray going too, i'm thinking in the line of green-soap, voodoo juice and piranha. But how much of each /L??


Active Member
Neem oil is kinda a "fix all" for pest problems. Im having similar damage to my outdoor leaves. Each morning I see crickets and other things around my plant so who knows the exact culprit. I use a Neem oil concentrate and also Organicide, and it has definitely slowed down the damage, but unfortunately theres not gonna be a end to the pests for us. Just try to control it with a decent pesticide. I would just follow the directions on the bottle you get. I've had more success when I spray at dusk, also I dont worry about the sun damaging my leaves when I spray at night also. After 4 days or so I usually spray my plants with just plain water to clean out their pores a day or 2 before I reapply.


Thnx fore the reply, I will look in to this..

Found one of my plant munchers, a green little caterpillar.
Looked around and it looks like "soap-like-sprays" (soap, oils etc) are effective.. =)