Leaf damage pic included


WOndering what you guys think this might be?Heat stress?

Currently this plant is 2 weeks in 12/12

the temps have been around 86 but I lowered it today to max 84. the top of the plants leaves look like this.
growing in roots organic green lite coco (which i dont like)
h&g nutes

did just neem spray 4 days ago

It does look like maybe they could have been affected by the neem, should recover though. You can always spray with straight h2o, to rinse neem and soap. I had some leaves that looked like this and I thought it may have been from touching the leaves with my hands, and rubbing the bottoms to get rid of spiders and eggs.

Hugo Phurst

Well-Known Member
Might be heat stress, put your hand on top of your plant, if it feels more than warm, it's too hot for the plant.


Active Member
thats a type of heat stress my widow was doing this at about 84-86 degrees so i moved it to my other grow temps were at 77-79 and she went back to normal even started growing again so try lowering your heat and you'll see a difference. good luck.