Leaf Curling up?


This plant was a little slow due to weaker root growth but caught up, since there was another more mature plant I had originally thought it was the fan I had in the area being too high and giving what I presumed was 'windburn' which was taking moisture but maybe because the light had been too low? Just trying to diagnose the issue :bigjoint:



Well-Known Member
It looks enviromental to me please give us your readings on temps and Relative Humidity Max-Min Night and Day


Active Member
80% reason could be the water or humidity/heat, as rectified the same exact problem had long time back.
u using tap water? if so could be chlorine/fluoride...
boil, leave it to rest and use...
not critical from the looks.


Active Member
Ya bro that foil or whatever is on your medium might be cooking the underside of your leaves. Try taking it off for a while?? see what happens...

Dank Raptor

Active Member
Your leaf tips are actually hooking downward and the newer growth is slightly twisted. This leans toward a calcium defenciency. Are you using filtered water or tap? Have you fed any calcium or magnesium supplement? The calcium def. can also lockout mag. which is what will give you the leaves pointed upward. Also let us know what your feeding it and what the ph of your mix is.
Three leaf sets are a sign of stress but dont worry you should be able to come out on top.


I feel like I may have overfed them as they were a little weaker than the other plant so it just slowed it down some more

Foil could've caused heat, removed.

Temperature is around 72 and I'm using distilled water. GH 3 part nutes



Well-Known Member
i have this prob at the min and onli seems to go when i move the light back a bit...some strains are finnicky buggers and respond differently...try gettin ur humidity up to about 60...u deffo need a temp/humid gauge...they aint xpensive...could be overwatering too as i kno this can happen when the plant cant get rid of the moisture fast enough like after a flush...