Leaf curling problem


Active Member
pH 5.5-5.8 solid
Closet is opened for several hours a day for air. It is possible they could be lacking fresh air.
The roots are not slimey.
The rez get hot at times ~75F. I am going to see if a frozen bottle helps with that.
Closet temp ~70-75F.
I have had the nutes at ~600ppm using AN Micro/Grow/Bloom. I am flushing now in case this is because I used too much nutes.




Well-Known Member
Those roots look a little brown. What type of nutes do you use. If there semi organic or organic then they will stain the roots, but i see brown in spots. Could be the start of a root problem eg. pythium, high res water and overwatering will cause this. Also i see some brown spots on the leaves are those just burns from the Flouros i see your using? And do you have plenty of aeration in your res, assuming thats a dwc.


Well-Known Member
Oh actually i see now that you have some misters not dwc, do you run them constantly or what kinda of timing schedule do you have them on, overwatering is pretty common with hydro.


Well-Known Member
either overfert, which prob not the case at 600 ppms, or low humidity/not enough circulation. I would seuggest adding a fan, that should help. otherwise they look happy and healthy. prop vent and circ main ingredients to successful grow


Active Member
No light burn.
Using AN Micro/Grow/Bloom nutes
I hang the roots up so they don't sit in the rez.
For about the first month I had the pump on 24/7. About a week or two ago I changed it to 15on/15off. Doesn't seem to be helping. Maybe I should do 15on/30off? I will be cutting these plants down in 3 weeks or so and I'd really like to clear this up.

I experienced this before when I was growing my moms initially. Too many variables to account for when trying to compare.


Well-Known Member
15 HOURS on and 15 off? Yeah they prolly need more air. I have never used misters, but im pretty sure you water often and really short with those. Like 15 minutes every hour, or maybe 2hrs on/2off. Ill try to find out what a good schedule is for misters.


Active Member
In case this helps someone, I'm posting

The rez was hot - it got to 80F. I was overwatering which probably led to some overfeeding. The tub was a poor design, thin plasitc, hot, blah, never again.

I only want the pump on just after the roots get slightly dry. When flowering, I only water once at night if I can.