Leaf curl +rep for help


Well-Known Member
Ok i have notice my super silver cheese plant leaves have started to curl any ideas what might be causing this?

Here are a few specs about my grow

Light:125w CFL 5cm away from tops
Medium:soil, Palgron light mix
Nutes:boi bizz heaven and grow, Giving them 1ml of each per L of water (recomended 2ml p/L)
Temps:Min:17c Max:23c
Ph:unknown havent yet got a ph meter

Any other things you need to know ill be happy to give.

Also as a little extra there is a few harvest pics of my last plant (paradise seeds- wappa), got 167g dry flowered under 600w hps.



Well-Known Member
Not overwatering dude ? I cant seeing it being nute diffeciency as there are no real burns . Best advice is to flush and start there . Half the feeding dosage and work back up and see if thats the problem . Let me know. Hope it helps.


Rebel From The North
mine did that when my ph pen was off by alittle I needed to calabrate, so either Ph caused it or to much wind were the to things
that could of done it in my room


Rebel From The North
Not overwatering dude ? I cant seeing it being nute diffeciency as there are no real burns . Best advice is to flush and start there . Half the feeding dosage and work back up and see if thats the problem . Let me know. Hope it helps.
you think over watering can cause this cuz I have it to


Well-Known Member
Not overwatering dude ? I cant seeing it being nute diffeciency as there are no real burns . Best advice is to flush and start there . Half the feeding dosage and work back up and see if thats the problem . Let me know. Hope it helps.
May slightly be over watered but i havent watered for 2 days, also dosent over watering make leaves curl down? as in the last pic the edges of the leaf is curled up

Snow Crash

Well-Known Member
Potassium will help resolve that issue. You need to keep the EC the same though. So decrease everything else, increase the level of K available, and you should be in business.

Your leaves are shiny. This could be the result of a nitrogen imbalance... which could be contributing to the issue. Flush, then balance with some nutrients that carry more K than N. You should be in good shape after that so long as the pH is in range. Let that stuff go pretty dry before feeding again as well.


Well-Known Member
Potassium will help resolve that issue. You need to keep the EC the same though. So decrease everything else, increase the level of K available, and you should be in business.

Your leaves are shiny. This could be the result of a nitrogen imbalance... which could be contributing to the issue. Flush, then balance with some nutrients that carry more K than N. You should be in good shape after that so long as the pH is in range. Let that stuff go pretty dry before feeding again as well.
OK thanks man +rep


Rebel From The North
Potassium will help resolve that issue. You need to keep the EC the same though. So decrease everything else, increase the level of K available, and you should be in business.

Your leaves are shiny. This could be the result of a nitrogen imbalance... which could be contributing to the issue. Flush, then balance with some nutrients that carry more K than N. You should be in good shape after that so long as the pH is in range. Let that stuff go pretty dry before feeding again as well.
I understand lowering due to his being still babys but mine are 5 days in bloom with some signs of the same problem, so question is can I just use a K supliment?

Snow Crash

Well-Known Member
Without a picture I cannot be certain Hellraizer30 because nutrient burn, heat damage, and potassium deficiency are all interrelated.

When increasing the volume of one nutrient, like potassium, you need to be aware of the impact that will have on the chemistry in the system. You also need to be aware that you are reacting to problems rather than anticipating them and you're working 2 steps behind. Sometimes by the time you are treating your potassium deficiency you are already knee deep in a nitrogen toxicity issue that has yet to show.

When in doubt you just go with an assload of run off and low strength balance of nutrients. This helps establish a baseline for you to react on and keeps nutrient burn out of the equation. If your leaves look EXACTLY like these leaves then just a touch more K and Mg with a little less Ca and N will usually help clear up the curl you see. Sometimes you just need more K. Depends on the strain, and the media, and a variety of other things. It's up to the grower to pull the trigger but I suggest erroring on the side of caution and flushing with excess prior to managing any pH or nutrient related issue.