leaf colour questions


Active Member
Questions ...

Im 7 weeks into flower.. some of my plants have most of the big fat leaves turn yellow .. the fan leaves.. is this normal? Still running 5.8 eph and 1.8 ec.
and also some leave stems are turning red in colour. any ideas? I havnt started flushing yet either.


Well-Known Member
I know the yellowing of fan leaves during flowering is normal but I am not sure about the red stems. I am sure someone more knowledgeable than I will chime in. Good luck!


Well-Known Member
i've never been able to figure out the red stems thing.. Happens to me a lot of the time.. I've just assumed its a sign of stress..


Active Member
I have always thought the red stems were a sign that you need a little more phosphorus in your nutes but i am not exactly sure.


New Member
Red stems could be genetic the yellow leafs are normal. you can try some calmag but i dont think you will need it this late in the game. Most strains finish at 8 to 10 weeks