Leaf color change and drying out

I’m having a problem with my plant it’s being grown in FFOB and the leaves are turning this color and drying completely out to the point I’m having too cut them off cause they dried all out and now it’s moved to my biggest set of fan leaves (next node up) which I’m worried about cutting off cause they are the biggest leafs on the plant as of now I’m worried it’s gonna die I’ve gotten some help reading but nothing giving me a for sure answer I’ve not give any nutrients cause I’ve read everywhere that fox farm ocean blend is hot.... please help


Grow So High

Well-Known Member
I’m having a problem with my plant it’s being grown in FFOB and the leaves are turning this color and drying completely out to the point I’m having too cut them off cause they dried all out and now it’s moved to my biggest set of fan leaves (next node up) which I’m worried about cutting off cause they are the biggest leafs on the plant as of now I’m worried it’s gonna die I’ve gotten some help reading but nothing giving me a for sure answer I’ve not give any nutrients cause I’ve read everywhere that fox farm ocean blend is hot.... please help
How big are those pots? Possibly root bound?
3 gallon it’s only been grown for a month I wouldn’t say it’s root bound yet I was thinking it was a magnesium deficiency but then also think it might be a problem with my PH pen or the soil being too hot I have no idea where to starts it’s taking over my biggest fan leaves right now prolly a totall of 6 leaves the bottom leaves have stopped taking in damage and seems to be on the bigger level I ones now I have no idea what to do or where to start like I said

Grow So High

Well-Known Member
3 gallon it’s only been grown for a month I wouldn’t say it’s root bound yet I was thinking it was a magnesium deficiency but then also think it might be a problem with my PH pen or the soil being too hot I have no idea where to starts it’s taking over my biggest fan leaves right now prolly a totall of 6 leaves the bottom leaves have stopped taking in damage and seems to be on the bigger level I ones now I have no idea what to do or where to start like I said
I’m thinking magnesium as well if it’s affecting the younger leaves now. After about a month in fox farm soil I’ve noticed is when my plants start to get hungry. I feed organic dry amendments and my plants seem to respond well but it’s slow released meaning it is not readily available to the root system. You could also look into brewing a compost tea. Try not to panic too much based on the pictures it does not look horrible. You have time to correct this