
Active Member
Anyone out there use LED lights? I hear that they are better than HPS because they dont use a lot of energy and produce more light than a HPS. Is there any truth to this?


Well-Known Member
Anyone out there use LED lights? I hear that they are better than HPS because they dont use a lot of energy and produce more light than a HPS. Is there any truth to this?
At this time they are too expensive and experimental..You'll see 1 LCD pic for every 1,000,000 others (CFL, fluro, HID).... wonder why..


Well-Known Member
lol it says LCD vs hps. i thought u was gonna try and use a TV to grow ...

and to answer ur question in short. no leds are not better than hps.

the money ud save on elec bill would be equivalent to buying a hps.

hps makes denser buds and a better overall light spectrum.

jsut read the grow faq and u will find ur answer


Well-Known Member
victor vicious uses a procyon the best there is in led for clones. check his journal out, about halfway through he gets one. I plan to use a ufo evntually for op 2 2 mother plants and clones in my small med grow. At 90 watts i fig it bettern than a cfl setup at 110 or hid at 250 i plan to use for mother and clones. It lacks the density power and such of a chepaer hid. Idk it looks to me from reading and leds got me into growing that fro 400 to a few thosand you could get a light that would work like a 400 but you gotta keep it closer and therfor have less a radius. I am using a 400 hid for now and gona upgrade to a 600. I will use a ufo as it is always on sale when i save up for mothers i hope. Pus i am not comercail so there is the fun factor of the cool led with no heat worry for me.


Well-Known Member
Anyone out there use LED lights? I hear that they are better than HPS because they dont use a lot of energy and produce more light than a HPS. Is there any truth to this?
i am currently starting an LED grow setup from the advice from a friend.

i got 5 blue LEDS that will be used to experiment on 1-2 plants.

The MAIN problem with people who are doing LEDS is they dont realize they need to put the light DIRECTLY ON or as CLOSE AS YOU CAN GET to the plant as possible. I mean shine those pretty blues on your veg, surround the sucker. Most people setup the LEDS so they are 6 inches away when their baby is just sprouting. There should be a ball of LEDS around your plant. My buddy uses LEDS and says if i do this correctly my little guy should veg nicely and the buds should be amazing when i go to flower with all my blues and reds (and possible a few T5s if i need them)

I suggest HTGgardensupply for your needs. They overnight and have great prices on LEDS (go for the 5 packs).

They dont use really any elec, and do not produce heat. If you are still running into problems, get 1-5 T5s since they dont produce heat really and surround those suckers with the blue LEDS and the T5s:idea:.

Trust me, no heat, low power, is the way to go. PM me and ill update you along the way