lb per 1000w?

Thanks. I was preparing to post a screenshot from google "how many grams in a pound."


448 Grams in a pound lol man i cracked up , I can just see it day later guy gets a call SHIT i think your out to lunch on your pounds there ,, buddy you owe me And the shit is still wet
WTF lol already out 1/4 pound ..

Hey with numbers like this its no wonder people are claiming stupid yields when they can not even figure out true measurement to a pound
One would think he or she would of learnt there lesson trying to pass there first pound ever
Thats not fair. Ttystikk is a vertical animal lol
yeah but pretty sure its not 26 oz plant luckyy if he got a pound out of it ,, being truthful.. We must realize that litterally how much of any bud is water .. people tend to forget how much that shit dries up to nothing takes a shitload of buds to make a pound ,, TBH divide your wet weight by 4 will put you in a ballpark range so really when looking at that one plant 26 oz lie that has to be 4 pounds wet or 26 x 4 oz wet ?? this puts a real meaning when looking at what people claim and the BS begins getting spewed ,,
Truth is ever since Heath pulled some ridiculous numbers .so he claims ???? under a 600 watt vertical mind you.
This was literally 10 years ago,,, know one has ever even come close, and even with major advancements in lighting ..
For me its is all about the numbers, that's all. If people claiming BS numbers and the next guy is not even close just proves more of a point..
Even if certain styles of approach are challenging, the right things still come out of it. Even if people flat out disagree with each other, the numbers don't lie, you know... that's what it's all about.

There definitely isn't as much in it as I think some people are led to believe and I think the premise on "yields horizontal can't compete with" should be tied in with the reality that, in practice and for many reasons, horizontal often out-yields Vertical
Vertical growing comes with some serious challenges, and it's those challenges that stop it from being the hyper efficient super yielder that a lot of people go into it thinking it will be.

It's those challenges which ultimately balance the scales with horizontal, and mean that in the end the results don't marry up with statistics like "135% more growing area" If they did, there's be no debate.,
I mean i did a Journal on RIU Like 6 - 7 years ago,, Not sure if its still here .. and start to chop with pictures you name it 2000 watt 7 pounds dry and had like 6 36 x 72 door screens full of buds ..
Sad thing is when someone disagree's he is called out as a troll or jealious lol ,, i really find that kinda funny .. anyone can make a small bud look big and so on remember its only pictures
But then to now as in members being honest i mean back then a nice big monster plant guys were saying true numbers now since the legalization of MJ
The New era of grower is all about trying to prove there the best and social media STATUS WITH LIKES AND FRIENDS ETC . its gone away from being who is truthful to who can feed the most BS and be liked ..
I have grown and trimmed and i mean lots so yeah looking at that plant Twisk would be lucky to pull a pound all them buds trimmed would not even fill a 36 x 35 door screen and that is usually a pound n 1/4 full
But anyways truth is buds like this to dried is a whole new ball game as in weight I just say believe what you want but twisks 26 oz plant he is full of shit donkey dicks shriviled up go figure and to boot he taking bubble gum lol grew that stuff like 7 - 8 years ago out door indoor so again have hands on knowledge of what they pull and there not stupid big yielders gallery_11738_4815_3838235.jpg gallery_11738_4815_3427738.jpg
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Damn that is some anger. And you kinda just did to him what you didn't like. I'm not going to sit here and defend him he can do that. But here's my question, why do you care so much? I mean anyone can cry bullshit on a forum. Here is what I know. I went from doing 6 plants under my 600 in 5 gallon hempys horizontally to vertical and was able to grow my plants another 9 inches before flip and got 548g dried on my first time. While not a gram/watt it was damn close. Did better after that first run. So vertical helped me maximize my system. I was averaging around 450ish horizontal. So I went up just changing shit around. I don't get the hate on vert.
Damn that is some anger. And you kinda just did to him what you didn't like. I'm not going to sit here and defend him he can do that. But here's my question, why do you care so much? I mean anyone can cry bullshit on a forum. Here is what I know. I went from doing 6 plants under my 600 in 5 gallon hempys horizontally to vertical and was able to grow my plants another 9 inches before flip and got 548g dried on my first time. While not a gram/watt it was damn close. Did better after that first run. So vertical helped me maximize my system. I was averaging around 450ish horizontal. So I went up just changing shit around. I don't get the hate on vert.
No Anger really i don't give a crap either way ,, what i am saying is do what works best for your situation be it vert or horizontal
but the truth is i think in your situation its not that Vert gave you more yield is that you became a better grower For me, the whole vertical = bigger yields is just a myth which has run wild since heath pulled that fantastic 2gpw grow. People are chasing the dream and failing time after time, that's just a fact evidenced by the average results of every documented vertical grow on the internet. Go check it out.. i have
A lot of people are doing 0.5 .7 gpw, but are reluctant to change the system because of what's possible, not what is ever likely to happen.
So vertical helped me maximize my system.
I haven't looked at vertical, but I'm completely sold on sidelighting. I use Cree lightbulbs from Home Depot to provide 1/3 to 1/2 my w/sq ft through the sides. I think it makes a noticeable difference to "bathe" the plant like that. It's not too practical for a large grow. But up to 4x4 with four trees, it's worth it.

Check out @Mechmike 's sidelight with banks of LED COBs. Gives me a boner.
No Anger really i don't give a crap either way ,, what i am saying is do what works best for your situation be it vert or horizontal
but the truth is i think in your situation its not that Vert gave you more yield is that you became a better grower For me, the whole vertical = bigger yields is just a myth which has run wild since heath pulled that fantastic 2gpw grow. People are chasing the dream and failing time after time, that's just a fact evidenced by the average results of every documented vertical grow on the internet. Go check it out.. i have
A lot of people are doing 0.5 .7 gpw, but are reluctant to change the system because of what's possible, not what is ever likely to happen.

I wish i had kept a grow log. Nothing changed in my system at the time. 5g hempys, same strain, same nutes, same pots, the only thing that changed was my lights. However, I will concede that my level of attention on that grow did increase. I was able to catch things before they got as bad over the prior grows. But it wasent magic or anything, i gained more head height and was able to grow my plants bigger before flip. Simple as that. The whole 135% canopy thing is bullshit. While I did gain more canopy room. it wasent that much. That pic that floats around with the flat vs stadium vs circle didnt take into account container space or gaps in the canopy. My vert screen at the time was 3ft by 12' around. So 36sq space canopy vs the 4x4 that i did have, so I went from 16sq to 36sq. but there was gaps in the vert screen that i didnt have on my horizontal.

Ahh Heaths 2gpw grow. lol. Ive seem some people get close to that running a clone of his system. but what people dont seem to talk about is there were a lot of things from that grow that weren't discussed. Plant strains ect ect. only thing that was the focus was the hydro system itself and the 600 watt light. But yeah Ive seen lots of vert growers try and fail. And .5-.7 is about average. Most people change thinking to see a big increase but dont change anything they do. You have to grow your plant bigger. Most poeple dont do that. They grow then the same size and wonder why theyre getting the same results.

A lot comes from experience. Heath only did that system a couple of times before he started doing his tree builds if i remember correctly.

IMO there are only 3 things that make vert better then horizontal.
1. Dont have to buy a hood, bunch of ducting ect. Love that. Saved me a chunk of change.
2. Indoors can limit you on the size of your plant. A bigger plant give more final product then a smaller one. In a horizontal grow only the top of the plant is getting light down so many inches. So a smaller percentage of the plant is getting hit with the light. Vertical bulb hits a bigger surface area of the plant. Bigger plant, more of bud sights getting direct light = more final product.
3. Easier to scrog. Found vert scrog training way easier then horizontal.

I will say i look at final weight differently. Final weight is everything consumable on the plant. If i cut if off the plant and its a bud thats not going to concentrates it counts. I then count my final in trim hash. So that my put a slant on my numbers. But if I grew it, harvested, dried and cured it, its part of my final weight.
I haven't looked at vertical, but I'm completely sold on sidelighting. I use Cree lightbulbs from Home Depot to provide 1/3 to 1/2 my w/sq ft through the sides. I think it makes a noticeable difference to "bathe" the plant like that. It's not too practical for a large grow. But up to 4x4 with four trees, it's worth it.

Check out @Mechmike 's sidelight with banks of LED COBs. Gives me a boner.

I like it. If i had the money to throw around id give them a shot. but im a cheap ass. If i was growing JUST for me id proly run leds. That however is not the case. I have started my first grow journal on here in some time. Its over on the vert forum. Just getting started, took clones from a clone i had been keeping barely alive for the last 3 months while i got soil and finished off the hempys.
yeah but pretty sure its not 26 oz plant luckyy if he got a pound out of it ,, being truthful.. We must realize that litterally how much of any bud is water .. people tend to forget how much that shit dries up to nothing takes a shitload of buds to make a pound ,, TBH divide your wet weight by 4 will put you in a ballpark range so really when looking at that one plant 26 oz lie that has to be 4 pounds wet or 26 x 4 oz wet ?? this puts a real meaning when looking at what people claim and the BS begins getting spewed ,,
Truth is ever since Heath pulled some ridiculous numbers .so he claims ???? under a 600 watt vertical mind you.
This was literally 10 years ago,,, know one has ever even come close, and even with major advancements in lighting ..
For me its is all about the numbers, that's all. If people claiming BS numbers and the next guy is not even close just proves more of a point..
Even if certain styles of approach are challenging, the right things still come out of it. Even if people flat out disagree with each other, the numbers don't lie, you know... that's what it's all about.

There definitely isn't as much in it as I think some people are led to believe and I think the premise on "yields horizontal can't compete with" should be tied in with the reality that, in practice and for many reasons, horizontal often out-yields Vertical
Vertical growing comes with some serious challenges, and it's those challenges that stop it from being the hyper efficient super yielder that a lot of people go into it thinking it will be.

It's those challenges which ultimately balance the scales with horizontal, and mean that in the end the results don't marry up with statistics like "135% more growing area" If they did, there's be no debate.,
I mean i did a Journal on RIU Like 6 - 7 years ago,, Not sure if its still here .. and start to chop with pictures you name it 2000 watt 7 pounds dry and had like 6 36 x 72 door screens full of buds ..
Sad thing is when someone disagree's he is called out as a troll or jealious lol ,, i really find that kinda funny .. anyone can make a small bud look big and so on remember its only pictures
But then to now as in members being honest i mean back then a nice big monster plant guys were saying true numbers now since the legalization of MJ
The New era of grower is all about trying to prove there the best and social media STATUS WITH LIKES AND FRIENDS ETC . its gone away from being who is truthful to who can feed the most BS and be liked ..
I have grown and trimmed and i mean lots so yeah looking at that plant Twisk would be lucky to pull a pound all them buds trimmed would not even fill a 36 x 35 door screen and that is usually a pound n 1/4 full
But anyways truth is buds like this to dried is a whole new ball game as in weight I just say believe what you want but twisks 26 oz plant he is full of shit donkey dicks shriviled up go figure and to boot he taking bubble gum lol grew that stuff like 7 - 8 years ago out door indoor so again have hands on knowledge of what they pull and there not stupid big yielders View attachment 3566549 View attachment 3566552
Thanks for the logic
One point I would like to make about vertical vs. horizontal is the footprint or diameter of the plant. Going straight up, you can fit more plants in a giving area, like I have 12 (4' average) in a 6x4 area now. If you try to put that many plants in a horizontal situation, it ain't going to happen. My point is this, I grow up because I can fit more plants, thus having a greater variety of bud (customers WANT that).
If I was to grow 1 plant and give it a BJ every other day after a 60 day veg, yea, I could probably get a pound per plant, but I make up for it by growing more different plants (lots more fun), and make up for the weight there. So, I'll stick to my method which is to grow up, with topping twice if the plant can take it, get my 6-7 average per plant ($350x6=$2100) sell six different strains each month (perpetual grow) and keep my customers happy, my wife happy, me happy by selling out monthly, and not really worry about who grew the largest pumpkin. I'll go variety, quality and get it done in 90 days. That's my method, and it works for me ( do the math)
One point I would like to make about vertical vs. horizontal is the footprint or diameter of the plant. Going straight up, you can fit more plants in a giving area, like I have 12 (4' average) in a 6x4 area now. If you try to put that many plants in a horizontal situation, it ain't going to happen. My point is this, I grow up because I can fit more plants, thus having a greater variety of bud (customers WANT that).
If I was to grow 1 plant and give it a BJ every other day after a 60 day veg, yea, I could probably get a pound per plant, but I make up for it by growing more different plants (lots more fun), and make up for the weight there. So, I'll stick to my method which is to grow up, with topping twice if the plant can take it, get my 6-7 average per plant ($350x6=$2100) sell six different strains each month (perpetual grow) and keep my customers happy, my wife happy, me happy by selling out monthly, and not really worry about who grew the largest pumpkin. I'll go variety, quality and get it done in 90 days. That's my method, and it works for me ( do the math)
I put 12 plants in a 4x4, horizontal with 21 days veg and pull 16-20 (strain dependent) per 600 watt.
Not knocking your method or vert. growing. What's you're veg time?
16 to 20 pounds dry weight for 12 plants in a 4x4 tent with 3 week veg and 60 days left to harvest on a 600w light?
Man, all I can say is you are either the best grower that I have ever heard about, or full of shit.
I REALLY want to see a picture of your grows, because I have been doing something seriously wrong for the last 20 years, and I need help.
One point I would like to make about vertical vs. horizontal is the footprint or diameter of the plant. Going straight up, you can fit more plants in a giving area, like I have 12 (4' average) in a 6x4 area now. If you try to put that many plants in a horizontal situation, it ain't going to happen. My point is this, I grow up because I can fit more plants, thus having a greater variety of bud (customers WANT that).
If I was to grow 1 plant and give it a BJ every other day after a 60 day veg, yea, I could probably get a pound per plant, but I make up for it by growing more different plants (lots more fun), and make up for the weight there. So, I'll stick to my method which is to grow up, with topping twice if the plant can take it, get my 6-7 average per plant ($350x6=$2100) sell six different strains each month (perpetual grow) and keep my customers happy, my wife happy, me happy by selling out monthly, and not really worry about who grew the largest pumpkin. I'll go variety, quality and get it done in 90 days. That's my method, and it works for me ( do the math)

This is very interesting foot print or diameter of the plant Again people are miss lead into thinking vertical has the advantage But your actually wrong ,,
now Lets take a average single 1000 watt Vertical and compare it to a single 1000 watt horizontal
your sweet spot it only the the size of the bulb you need to place plants around it so again single bare bulb problem is anything growing above the bulb is garbage any thing grown below the bulb is garbage, So with that said....
you really limited you self place small plants around that 1 k Wit non stop training or it will in deed be a mess ..
Comparing it to horizontal
I wish i had kept a grow log. Nothing changed in my system at the time. 5g hempys, same strain, same nutes, same pots, the only thing that changed was my lights. However, I will concede that my level of attention on that grow did increase. I was able to catch things before they got as bad over the prior grows. But it wasent magic or anything, i gained more head height and was able to grow my plants bigger before flip. Simple as that. The whole 135% canopy thing is bullshit. While I did gain more canopy room. it wasent that much. That pic that floats around with the flat vs stadium vs circle didnt take into account container space or gaps in the canopy. My vert screen at the time was 3ft by 12' around. So 36sq space canopy vs the 4x4 that i did have, so I went from 16sq to 36sq. but there was gaps in the vert screen that i didnt have on my horizontal.

Ahh Heaths 2gpw grow. lol. Ive seem some people get close to that running a clone of his system. but what people dont seem to talk about is there were a lot of things from that grow that weren't discussed. Plant strains ect ect. only thing that was the focus was the hydro system itself and the 600 watt light. But yeah Ive seen lots of vert growers try and fail. And .5-.7 is about average. Most people change thinking to see a big increase but dont change anything they do. You have to grow your plant bigger. Most poeple dont do that. They grow then the same size and wonder why theyre getting the same results.

A lot comes from experience. Heath only did that system a couple of times before he started doing his tree builds if i remember correctly.

IMO there are only 3 things that make vert better then horizontal.
1. Dont have to buy a hood, bunch of ducting ect. Love that. Saved me a chunk of change.
2. Indoors can limit you on the size of your plant. A bigger plant give more final product then a smaller one. In a horizontal grow only the top of the plant is getting light down so many inches. So a smaller percentage of the plant is getting hit with the light. Vertical bulb hits a bigger surface area of the plant. Bigger plant, more of bud sights getting direct light = more final product.
3. Easier to scrog. Found vert scrog training way easier then horizontal.

I will say i look at final weight differently. Final weight is everything consumable on the plant. If i cut if off the plant and its a bud thats not going to concentrates it counts. I then count my final in trim hash. So that my put a slant on my numbers. But if I grew it, harvested, dried and cured it, its part of my final weight.

See you are miss led into thinking that Vertical has the upper advantage this is not true one bit

so you think that cause you do not need a Hood that is the advantage ?? first off look at it this way a bare bulb hung vertical loses its intensity 360 degrees hence doing Donut vertical plants are suppose be the walls but your really only growing one side of a plant the ones closest to the light source ..
start a bon fire in a middle of a field get it going good now walk backwards from it 10 feet lets say wow did it ever get cold rather Fast and why ???
Cause all energy was shot out 360 degrees making it less intense ,, Hence you need no ducting to cool..
Now go into your house or start a fire , from wall fire place , or out side against a wall get it going good walk out 10 feet and what its still nice and warm meaning all energy is being directed on one direction and lets Face it more energy directed onto a canopy = faster growth and yield
Vertical growing is good with multiple lighting but going 1 vs 1 Vert vs horizontal Vert will lose how many plants can a person grow in a donut 1 light fixture compared to horizontal and most importantly is size of plants remember the size of the bulb and your sweet spot
for instance
Everyone tends to think you need no ducting for vertical hell same logic can apply or horizontal
Here was that 2000 watt grow i told you about 76 plants 5 week veg cropped etc
7 elbows dry umbrella parabolic open ended hoods fresh air in thermostatically controlled Exaust fan .. Turned on 2 - 3 times a night - 20 - 30 fresh air in thru warm up box
Room was 18 x 14 mylar covered roof side walls etc

Yes indoor can limit some on size of plant but again single vert bulb obviously donut only get you so many plants and of course your going to nee to work it and spend lots of time

next pics is again 2000 watt make shift room i think it was like 18 plants some extra's clones i had
open ended no fresh air in no exhaust nothing in the dead heat of summer vegged 2 weeks from 2" rooted clones cropped 2 times and flipped 5 gallon totes more or less went in there every 4 days to feed grow n walk away no need to baby sit i was enjoying fishing :)
You do not have that luxury with vertical it will punish you and yields will suffer
So really whats the advantage i see absolutely none .. Where a person has a guarntee Quality harvest with 0 larfy buds where Vertical tends to get where the plants light dead zones are

and on your Final thought mentioning only top plant only produces again this can be taken as a moot point again you only have that sweet spot in vertical where as horizontal pending on 600 - 1000 watt a big area of intense growth for instance the one plant in scrog :) no matter what top buds are the money makers and the biggest buds like ones on 5 gallon pail Money shot
that one was 12 plant scrog 3 k just under 8 elbows and 3/4 pound of final trim hash :) 5.5 week veg
So For me i lowered plant count from 76 to 12 plants veg pretty muh same time only difference was more cropping and training to fill 75 Sq feet of canopy
Afganstan.jpg gallery_11738_4816_67835.jpg dscf4393s.jpg gallery_11738_4816_29149.jpg gallery_11738_4816_39388 (1).jpg dscf2892y.jpg gallery_11738_4880_9792.jpg dscf3880y.jpg gallery_11738_4816_179125.jpg gallery_11738_4816_36146 (2).jpg
What the fuck are you talking about? A bonfire? lighting my house on fire. dude put down the pipe.

I dont know why you think im mislead. I had x one way, changed, got more. Why is that so hard to understand? So if im following this correctly, your saying if i took my 4x4 screen and rotated it horizontal and put it in a reflector im going to get more weed then the 4 plants around the barebulb each with their own 3x4 screen?

So whats lighting my other 3 plants. Are you saying i can just kill them and the one plant i have left will make up for the other 3 that are missing?
This is very interesting foot print or diameter of the plant Again people are miss lead into thinking vertical has the advantage But your actually wrong ,,
now Lets take a average single 1000 watt Vertical and compare it to a single 1000 watt horizontal
your sweet spot it only the the size of the bulb you need to place plants around it so again single bare bulb problem is anything growing above the bulb is garbage any thing grown below the bulb is garbage, So with that said....
you really limited you self place small plants around that 1 k Wit non stop training or it will in deed be a mess ..
Comparing it to horizontal

See you are miss led into thinking that Vertical has the upper advantage this is not true one bit

so you think that cause you do not need a Hood that is the advantage ?? first off look at it this way a bare bulb hung vertical loses its intensity 360 degrees hence doing Donut vertical plants are suppose be the walls but your really only growing one side of a plant the ones closest to the light source ..
start a bon fire in a middle of a field get it going good now walk backwards from it 10 feet lets say wow did it ever get cold rather Fast and why ???
Cause all energy was shot out 360 degrees making it less intense ,, Hence you need no ducting to cool..
Now go into your house or start a fire , from wall fire place , or out side against a wall get it going good walk out 10 feet and what its still nice and warm meaning all energy is being directed on one direction and lets Face it more energy directed onto a canopy = faster growth and yield
Vertical growing is good with multiple lighting but going 1 vs 1 Vert vs horizontal Vert will lose how many plants can a person grow in a donut 1 light fixture compared to horizontal and most importantly is size of plants remember the size of the bulb and your sweet spot
for instance
Everyone tends to think you need no ducting for vertical hell same logic can apply or horizontal
Here was that 2000 watt grow i told you about 76 plants 5 week veg cropped etc
7 elbows dry umbrella parabolic open ended hoods fresh air in thermostatically controlled Exaust fan .. Turned on 2 - 3 times a night - 20 - 30 fresh air in thru warm up box
Room was 18 x 14 mylar covered roof side walls etc

Yes indoor can limit some on size of plant but again single vert bulb obviously donut only get you so many plants and of course your going to nee to work it and spend lots of time

next pics is again 2000 watt make shift room i think it was like 18 plants some extra's clones i had
open ended no fresh air in no exhaust nothing in the dead heat of summer vegged 2 weeks from 2" rooted clones cropped 2 times and flipped 5 gallon totes more or less went in there every 4 days to feed grow n walk away no need to baby sit i was enjoying fishing :)
You do not have that luxury with vertical it will punish you and yields will suffer
So really whats the advantage i see absolutely none .. Where a person has a guarntee Quality harvest with 0 larfy buds where Vertical tends to get where the plants light dead zones are

and on your Final thought mentioning only top plant only produces again this can be taken as a moot point again you only have that sweet spot in vertical where as horizontal pending on 600 - 1000 watt a big area of intense growth for instance the one plant in scrog :) no matter what top buds are the money makers and the biggest buds like ones on 5 gallon pail Money shot
that one was 12 plant scrog 3 k just under 8 elbows and 3/4 pound of final trim hash :) 5.5 week veg
So For me i lowered plant count from 76 to 12 plants veg pretty muh same time only difference was more cropping and training to fill 75 Sq feet of canopy
View attachment 3567549 View attachment 3567550 View attachment 3567561 View attachment 3567562 View attachment 3567564 View attachment 3567566 View attachment 3567568 View attachment 3567570 View attachment 3567571 View attachment 3567574
Wait..... Did you used to be a Doctor back in the day? I must of read you wrong.
So with all that said Do what works for you , Vertical by no means , means that it superior , it can be fun give it a try.
But if your a new grower horizontal, will guarantee you quality and yield
What the fuck are you talking about? A bonfire? lighting my house on fire. dude put down the pipe.

I dont know why you think im mislead. I had x one way, changed, got more. Why is that so hard to understand? So if im following this correctly, your saying if i took my 4x4 screen and rotated it horizontal and put it in a reflector im going to get more weed then the 4 plants around the barebulb each with their own 3x4 screen?

So whats lighting my other 3 plants. Are you saying i can just kill them and the one plant i have left will make up for the other 3 that are missing?
show us your 4 x 4 screen
And what am i saying put a par tester on a open ended bulb :) its know where going to be the same as the one horizontal bulb having all light directed into one place or with hood not even close
You know i searched every where as to see what open ended par reading was ?? being its as to compare I think just going to purcahase a good par reader and hang a 1k and see actual at measured distances :) gallery_11738_4815_12901.jpg we had Epaps Nanno's and Gavita;s tested these were results and why i went to Nanolux
And what am i saying put a par tester on a open ended bulb :) its know where going to be the same as the one horizontal bulb having all light directed into one place or with hood not even close

I don't think that's true. Reflected light, by definition, is a loss. Radiating light omnidirectionally (in the center of plants) should result in more light reaching those plants than reflecting half that light in a forward direction.

Maybe I misunderstand your point.