Layed off


Well-Known Member
Well, I missed work yesterday cuz I was a bit sick. This caused a great deal of stress for quite a few people as evidently they needed to lay me off and they could not get hold of me because the day before I had left my cell phone at work. So I get to work and as I'm heading down the hallway I happen upon the vice president of my department "Come see me in my office" This phrase from this man has often meant "You're fired!" and the translation was fairly applicable in this case. The company had lost a client that was financing the new product that would make us a "Major Contender" in the company's market place. That translated into major cutbacks which means heads roll.

All said and done though I'm kinda glad I was one of the cutbacks. My department was already understaffed and overworked, my heart goes out to the guys still there.:roll:

This may also be a positive step for me in my quest to "Do my own thing"

One step at a time though, I went to work and now I am at home, it must be time for my meds!:mrgreen::peace:bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Damn that sucks man. I've always found when something bad like that happens it's usually for the better, maybe you'll find a better job soon.

Good Luck



Well-Known Member
Hope you got a good severence pakage, and of course sign up for unemployment asap, god knows you have put enough into it over the years!


Well-Known Member
Well at least you got some ass kicking in before ya left with being unavailable for two days lol. Hope everything works out with the job situation. Its an opportunity to start anew and get something ya really like in there.


Well-Known Member
Thank you for the kind and wise words. I am looking at this as an opportunity but it will still take some adjusting. The misses is freaked out, but it doesn't take much. I'll just have to let my calming nature work a little overtime. It's all good!