Lawn Light LEDs and Hawaiian Photoperiod


Active Member
Aloha! Just got into an argument with my friend billy. He's put those little lawn/patio walkway led lights over his plants in an elaborate set up with like 15 of those fuckers hanging over his plants 5 to 10 inches above. Now its November here in hawaii, around 11 hours of light per day I think. (Longest day is in summer at 14 hours and shortest day in winter is like 11 if I'm not mistaken). Problem is, in my opinion is that these plants are past the seedling stage and are already forming matchhead size buds. (They are only around a foot) To me that's not working because the plant is flowering, and cannabis being photoreactive would react to the additionbal light (those leds stay on all night) and not flower. But he swears they work. What do yall think?


Active Member
Forgot to mention the" reason" they work. He call it twighlight where apperantly the plant can flowe and grow (develop new budsites) at the same time. Idk if I believe that.
OK, first off marijuana plants react to certain spectrum's of light, some light for instance can have no effect on them whatsoever. A marijuana plant will stay in a vegetative state if exposed to more than 12 hours of light a day lets say 14 at least to be honest, forever until the light cycle is returned to 12/12. Just because the plant is showing small budding sights does not mean that it is in flowering cycle, All plants will hit the per-flowering phase where small bud sites may develop. To be honest what your friend is doing is if those lights are in the right spectrum he is just vegging them.


they are auto flowering plants which means they will flower in a certain amount of time regardless of what light they are exposed to