Lawful Rebellion


Well-Known Member
Ok, I understand that both the US and Canada are insolvent corporations, however, at the present I'm a US citizen, and a Canadian Permanent Resident. If anyone has come across anything definitive in regards to suggesting a direction to go in, in regards to becoming soveriegn then that would be greatly appreciated because realistically, I think that my residence in Canada may legally be based upon my maintaining my US citizenship.

I certainly cannot afford to be deported because the last time I tried to cross the border to the US with my family, they were turned away and not allowed to pass into the states (of course then we get to potentially deal with the same issues for them only in reverse), after the Customs agents fingerprinted and photographed them for Homeland Security of course. Of course we didn't have a clue at that time about any of the issues in regards to any of this information of the Central Banks, and NAFTA and the strawman, and bonds, and ect...

I do understand that I can at the very least place a lien against my strawman and I fully intend to after I understand liens a bit better, and I am beginning to grasp how to cope with creditors that love to be heartless and dispicable enough to beat on people when they're financially hurting the most. Even though I'm just only beginning to read up on the UCC and the laws there.