A cult like following for sure and I guess it sounds cool to say (or type). It sure gets mentioned enough.
In the new "No - Till Revisited" thread started by BlueJay (MOFO), the new recipe is different in what it lacks from the first No Till thread (Locked now, but still there). This is mostly from memory, since it's been a bit since I've looked at it.
Aeration: Pretty much, either Lava Rock or Pumice is it. Perlite isn't even mentioned, but rice hulls may be (a real cluster fuck as aeration), but I'm not sure.
Lime: No mention at all. At least the first recipe had Oyster shell flour mentioned
P source: Again, no mention. The first had Fish bone meal at least.
Then, the acolytes started having problems. Couldn't understand why since they had followed the recipe to a T. One guy had even weighed out his amendments to two decimal points.LOL That's dedication!
But, when offered real life solutions like, perhaps some perlite or at least not just dumping a bag of BBQ lava rocks into the mix and calling it good, or, adding some sort of liming agent to correct a too low pH (Hint, basalt does NOT replace Ag lime), or, adding a P source like bone meal, fish bone meal or even high P guano, the usual reply went "So and so said it wasn't needed or necessary and I'm not using it". Or something to that effect.
Others, like yourself, who saw what was lacking and the results from that lack, just went ahead and added what was missing. The others may or may not figure it out on their own.
Like I've said before, my no tills are just those pots too big to move by hand and I try top dressing as long as possible. Even then, after a couple of seasons it's time to get the wheelbarrow, empty them and do a complete overhaul of the mix. If it's really spent, it gets dumped on my soil gardens that just get worked by hand. Not by design, the location sorta rules out any power equipment.