laughing gas . <- kind of a funny story .


Well-Known Member
so I got my 4 wisdoms out recently .
he didnt tell me he turned the gas on ..
I started to feel the effects and thought I was having a panic attack !!
so I jumped up and told him to stop because Im having a panic attack !!

"thats just the gas"
"oh ok , would have been nice if you told me"

-he gives me a dirty look and turns up the gas- lol
(I pass out)

I later WAKE UP half way through . my mouth is propped open .
but I can still kinda talk .
I tell him

"your such a jew , dont be so cheap , turn up the gas"
(mumbled of course)

he gave me the DIRTIEST look of life . but I deserved that . Im not usually racist . I was just really messed up from the gas lol . oh and he CRANKED it lool .

when I woke up , only the nurse was there , he didnt want to talk to me lol .

anyone else ever get gassed ?
I also asked for some "to go" LOL .
and asked to keep my teeth .


Well-Known Member
Laughing gas at the dentist?? Yes but it was a very long time ago - I was a little kid. Didn´t know they still used it.


Well-Known Member
first time I did N20 I was at the dentist and they had a radio playing in the background. I was hoping to get the nitrous while Led Zeppelin's Kashmir was playing (i mean really who wouldn't :bigjoint:) but The Piano Man came on by Billy Joel. Which is also a favorite of mine too "as the waitress is practicing politics while the business man slowly get's stoned! Yes their sharing a drink they call loneliness but it's better than drinking alone!" I was able to keep from laughing or talking hysterically like a lot of people usually do under nitrous (possible cause I had smoked cannabis before hand) until right before I knew the IV sedatives was about to take hold I said to the doctor and the nurses "This is a great song to listen to on nitrous!". The operation went great and even though I said that about the nitrous and they informed my mother (at the time I was in high school but she didn't give a crap, she was at the original woodstock so she had been around the block, heh) I had little to no pain except for the first day when the anesthesia wore off and then it was more of a skull splitting head ache then actual pain but I had been prescribed Norco's (10mg Hydrocodone / 500-800 Acetaminophen) and 800mg Ibuprofen and just taking the recommended 2 Ibuprofen would subdue any pain I had for the rest of the day. By the end of the week I had no pain and a 30 bottle of Norco :mrgreen:. Though I did recently order 225 canisters on N20 (mixture of pure whip and Cafe Creame cans) and a whip cream dispenser (not a cracker). I was through all 225 in less than 24 hours, there's a reason they call it hippie crack!


Active Member
haaa laughing gas :P a bit off topic but in the uk we dispense the nos into balloons (probally do it most places but meh) on saturday did 10 singles ina row... was fookin madness. lasted litrally about 14 mins just huffing each single as long as we could :P


Well-Known Member
Only if they think you are a sissy....
thats not very nice =/ .

3 wisdom teeth were impacted .
I havent been to the dentist for 5 years (gross I know) .
they said they should have been out 2 years ago .


Well-Known Member
I did however call and complain that there was just far too much pain ;) .
should get a new bottle tomorrow . om nom nom .
fuckin oxycete 5's . cant do f all with that .
I want me some 10s at LEAST .