latest sarah palin news

It seems she has more minuses than pluses. This should be the death rattle for McSame's candidacy the fact alone that her daughter is pregnant out of wedlock should be enough to run off the religious right, and if not, her voting for the bridge to nowhere might run off the fiscal conservatives. This may only be speculation, but speculation has ended many political careers.
Talk about McCain fuckups, what about this?

McCain crashed 5 jets, plus was responsible for the Forrestal fire. Something made the plane behind McCain fire a rocket, which hit McCain's external center fuel tank, and caused a fire. McCain panicked, and dropped two bombs into the fire.
Surviving crewmen of the USS Forestal and those who investigated the Forrestal fire case reported that McCain deliberately 'wet-started' his A-4E Skyhawk to shake up the guy in the F-4 Phantom behind his plane.
'Wet-starts', done either deliberately (the starter motor switch allowed kerosene to pool in the engine and give a wet start) or accidentally, shoot a large flame from the tail of the aircraft.'Wet starting' was a common practice among young 'hot-dog' pilots.
In McCain's case, the 'wet-start''cooked off' and launched the M34 Zuni rocket from the rear F-4 that punctured the Skyhawk's fueltank, knocked the M-65 1000 lb bomb off it's 500 lb rated mount, and touched off the explosions and massive fire.

When the carrier Oriskany came along side, and McCain was put in a chopper and whisked away. McCain was the only Forrestal crewman to be immediately transferred .I have a hunch McCain left for his own safety, because the crew wanted blood.

Killed 134 and left many more burnt and wounded, a real war hero. His father, the admiral, put a lot of effort into covering up all the fact relating to this incedent. Aint it nice to have a rich and powerful daddy, Ie McCain and Bush.
Who gives a shit? Seriously people, stick to the issues-damn.

dont tell me to stick to the issues, tell the fucking candidates

theres like 30 other sarah palin threads theres already so much contreversy around her why not through another log into the fire

but i bet you only stick to the issues thats why you clicked on this thread
Last I checked, governors don't vote on legislation.
your right...she didn't vote on it...
but the facts are while running for governor, she supported the bridge and it was not until after she got the money that she opposed it...400+++ million dollars...
Funny how the facts seem to piss you off. Look it up yourself, the dumbass was showing off and fucked up. Do you want this same dumbass to have the nuclear football? Probably, you aren't firing on all cylinders most of the time.

Facts? That's laughable when you don't provide a link from where you got your information. Post the official Navy documents and I'll believe you. Until then, what you post on this issue is bullcrap.

Palin "bridge to nowhere" line angers many Alaskans

In the city Ketchikan, the planned site of the so-called "Bridge to Nowhere," political leaders of both parties said the claim was false and a betrayal of their community, because she had supported the bridge and the earmark for it secured by Alaska's Congressional delegation during her run for governor.

"She said 'thanks but no thanks,' but they kept the money," said Elerding about her applause line.

"You don't tell a group of Alaskans you support something and then go to someplace else and say you oppose it," said Phillips, who supported Palin's opponent, Democrat Tony Knowles, in the 2006 gubernatorial race.

Palin "bridge to nowhere" line angers many Alaskans - Yahoo! News

A lying flip-flopping politician? No fucking way !!! :shock: :o
Obviously TodayISAGreenDay wishes it was his. Sounds kind of jealous! Miss Palin has more experience then Obama and Bidden put together. Open your eyes people. I know your stoned but you still have a brain? Just say no to socialism, black theology, higher taxes and the rest of the retorrick. Dont give Nancy Polosi more power to refuse a vote on energy independence. Dont give Harry Reed more power to refuse to hear a vote on more drilling in the US. A vote for Obama is a vote for Polosi, Reed and the other idiots in our congress. Barrack Husein Obama does not deserve a pass what about Mr Ayers his budy that tried to blow up the Pentagon or Tony Resco his budy that has been indited or Rev Wright who says God Damm America not God bless Anerica! Get the facts before you try to crown Obama as our Savior. Its time to wake up pot heads. No to Barrack Husein Obama!
Obviously TodayISAGreenDay wishes it was his. Sounds kind of jealous! Miss Palin has more experience then Obama and Bidden put together. Open your eyes people. I know your stoned but you still have a brain? Just say no to socialism, black theology, higher taxes and the rest of the retorrick. Dont give Nancy Polosi more power to refuse a vote on energy independence. Dont give Harry Reed more power to refuse to hear a vote on more drilling in the US. A vote for Obama is a vote for Polosi, Reed and the other idiots in our congress. Barrack Husein Obama does not deserve a pass what about Mr Ayers his budy that tried to blow up the Pentagon or Tony Resco his budy that has been indited or Rev Wright who says God Damm America not God bless Anerica! Get the facts before you try to crown Obama as our Savior. Its time to wake up pot heads. No to Barrack Husein Obama!
your funny...that would be MRS. palin....biden and pelosi...use the spell checker for the rest....monosyllabic...
Obviously TodayISAGreenDay wishes it was his. Sounds kind of jealous! Miss Palin has more experience then Obama and Bidden put together. Open your eyes people. I know your stoned but you still have a brain? Just say no to socialism, black theology, higher taxes and the rest of the retorrick. Dont give Nancy Polosi more power to refuse a vote on energy independence. Dont give Harry Reed more power to refuse to hear a vote on more drilling in the US. A vote for Obama is a vote for Polosi, Reed and the other idiots in our congress. Barrack Husein Obama does not deserve a pass what about Mr Ayers his budy that tried to blow up the Pentagon or Tony Resco his budy that has been indited or Rev Wright who says God Damm America not God bless Anerica! Get the facts before you try to crown Obama as our Savior. Its time to wake up pot heads. No to Barrack Husein Obama!

LOL who the fuck are you dude shut the fuck up

what are you even talking about... what do i wish was mine?

DID i ever say i was gonna vote for obama?

im not going to vote for obama so dont put words in my mouth cuz your a fucking douche bag who dosnt know what the fuck hes talking about you should know that personal attacks at members is looked down upon here

so before you go and trash talk and spew direha out of your mouth check YOUR facts
