I used to run jacks before switching to MaxiBloom 1 part, Jacks ia. 3-2-1 your supposed to use 3 grams A, 2 grams B, 1 gram Epsom Salts. Your probably lacking Magnesium and Sulfur because I do not believe Jacks A or B has sulfur in it. I know when I ran their 1 part RO formula it had literally no sulfur and barely any magnesium, I had to use 1 gram per gallon of epsom salts every single feeding. So much for a 1 part eh?
I use ProMix HP another problem with promix is your rootzone can become acidic due to runoff when feeding with salt based fertilizers, the rootzone can easily become acidic from the lime washing out and also the shit tends to hold nutrients more than I've experienced in Coco, even when allowing a lot of runoff. I'm actually switching back to coco/perlite after this run because I've been playing too many games with pH in Promix and i don't like that I can only feed them every 2 days due to how slow they dry back.
I would feed with a 6.2 pH for a few feedings and see how they respond, I was feeding @ 6.0 and noticed with a slurry test (1 part soil to 1 part water) my actual pH in the rootzone was like 5.0-5.2 causing lime green growth. Quickly resolved with a good dose of epsom and jumped my pH up to 6.2 (use more silica).