Late season Outdoor Guerilla Grow - in the UK massive!


Hello tokers! hows it going,
Im new on this forum and havnt posted much as of yet, but Im starting a late outdoor grow so thought I would do a grow report. I live in Devon (uk) at a latitude of 50N and im keeping my fingers crossed that this summer is meant to be as sunny as forcast.

I know its pretty wishful thinking seeing as its already june the 17th! but I thought 'what the hell', I might as well. Im keeping my expectations low and even if I dont get any juicy buds hopefully ill come away with abit of growing experience, and it should be pretty fun too!

I ordered some Feminized Purple Power seeds from I actually got 5 + a 'Big Grapefruit' seed too, which is pretty nice. The Purple Power is meant to be a pretty hardy sativa and early maturing too, so I thought this was my best bet. I think the same applies for the Grapefruit.

Anyway, Ive just started germinating them today. I read somewhere that soaking them in distilled water was the best so thats what I did. I placed them all in a small glass of water and left them for a while. They are meant to be good once they sink to the bottom. I then researched some more and found out this wasnt such a good idea apparently, so ive moved them straight into small plastic cups of general compost medium. I added abit of water and wood ash to lower the acidiity too. They are gathering abit of sun with a larger cup ontop to keep in the moisture.

So, I will be updating this as they come along and I was also hoping some of you guys with abit of experience could keep in the right direction. it would be much appreciated. Feel free to let me know if im doing anything wrong.

happy toking and take it easy. :joint:



Well-Known Member
will be nice to see a uk guerilla grow, purple power should work for you i grew purple power outdoors in the north so you should be fine in devon.goodluck


Well-Known Member
50N at Devon? Shouldn't be too hard to locate with a GPS and steal. ;)

Also, I always use the glass of water technique... works good. I let them chill 12+hrs in the glass or until they sink, then I move them to wet paper towels with a glass bowl over it to keep the moisture in. always works with healthy seeds.


hey, thanks for the responses. well, it sounds like im along the right lines so far, im guessing u cant go too wrong at this stage. Ill post some pics up tomorrow of whats going down.



Ahh awesome! I have been waiting for a UK grower to do a legit OUTDOOR post! Keep this well updated so i can see whats happening because i want to grow some down in the south! Would be god to see how it goes and hopefully i will learn a few things :)


Well-Known Member
I HIGHLY recommend not giving your location out, especially if where you are growing is illegal. And if it happens to be legal, then you'll have to watch for them snatches.
50N at Devon? Shouldn't be too hard to locate with a GPS and steal. ;)
Like this guy...even though I'm sure he's just messin', and apparently in the US.
Otherwise, I wish you good luck! Tuned in.


haha, yeah, fair point guys. 50N is just the average latitude of the whole county, so good luck to anybody trying to do me over.
Here are some pics of whats going down so far, as you can see, not much!
Its only been a couple days since I planted the seeds so we'll have to wait and see what happens.
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Well, its been a few days since I first planted my seeds and im happy to say that all of them have germinated successfully. They are all showing their cotyledons which is a good sign.
All six 'plants' look like this:
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How long shall I wait for until i wack 'em outside. Should I wait for a proper full set of ganja leaves to appear?

peace :joint:,



Hey guys.

so, heres an update on how things are growing.


Purple Power:

I left all my 6 plants outside a few days ago in the sunshine to try and ease them into the outdoor environment. I left them out overnight and I think the strong winds must have topped two of them, so I only have 3 Purple Power remaining and the Grapefruit. Bit annoying but oh well.

Luckily I had some Big Buddha Cheese to get me through the hard times!

Take it easy. :joint:



Active Member
I'm a neebie, in Alaska, watching your progress in the southern latitudes. Keep on post'n


Its been 28 days since my seeds sprouted. Here's how they are coming along. Im no expert on the growth of plants so let me know how these compare to a healthy plant.

Top view of a Purple Power
View attachment 1051787

The Grapefruit
View attachment 1051785

Purple Power
View attachment 1051786

I put all my plants into 15 litre pots today, using John Innes no.3. I heard that this brand can get pretty solid when it dries so I mixed in some large grains of sand from a local beach to improve drainage.

My plants are outside now for good, until whenever harvest comes. Fingers crossed.


Active Member
Subscribed! I'm also from the UK and i'm planning a Guerilla grow for next year, so i'll be following this. The last few pictures don't seem to be working mate

days to daze

Active Member
im also planning a geurilla grow for next yeah .. dont you think i more indica strain would be best? i mean i know the purple strains can deal with the weather a little better but out weather can shift to wet really early.. i would want those buds finished as soon as possible..


Well-Known Member
im also planning a geurilla grow for next yeah .. dont you think i more indica strain would be best? i mean i know the purple strains can deal with the weather a little better but out weather can shift to wet really early.. i would want those buds finished as soon as possible..
if he needs them to finish early because of the weather, you could just force flower them. thats what im doing this year and im in the uk.


Well-Known Member
i dont think it'll work out for ya m8, it is very late in the year to be only putting them outside. esp if you doing a guerilla grow. but soak up the experiance you gain and get them out in may/june next year. the best of luck with it though
Hey! yeah, regarding germinating seeds. There are many different ways to do it man. One person will tell you one thing, and the next another. For example, i germinate mine by dropping seeds into a jar of warm water. The process usually takes about 3 days. Find what works for you. put up some pictures when you can. Bless


Cheers for the responses guys.

to JUSTINWAFROGUY: Sorry about that. not sure what happened. gonna take some more pics tomorrow so check back in to see how theyre getting on.

to: SKUNKUSHYBRID01: The plants are already outside. kept the seedlings inside for about a week or so and them wacked the lot outside. The grow is pretty limited (as its a guerilla grow) and I dont have any lights or anything like that. going for the more natural approach.

to DAYS TO DAZE: I can see where you are coming from. I checked out some other strains but I read that Purple Power can finish early and usually goes into flower around mid august so as long as september isnt too wet and cloudy they could finish, hopefully! I also picked PP because I prefer a more cerebral, energetic buzz rather than the old couchlock effect. Plus its purple too! Ive heard that PP isnt too potent though, which would be a shame.

to MLORE: Ive been thinking about that, how do you suggest I could do that? Would a black bin liner work? My grow site is a fair way away from house and I dont drive, so it would mean getting up pretty early during august to give the plants light again.

to ONETON: Yeah, I know where youre coming from man. This grow is, like you said, purely for experience and just a bit of fun. it will be interesting to see what happens. im not expecting super potent, dense buds that are coated in trichs. I just want a bit of my own grow smoke so I dont have to buy off the market.

to PATRICK2012: All my plants germinated in the end. I soaked them for about 12 hours in water. Then wacked them straight into soil and kept them warm and moist. A week or so later all the seeds popped up and showed their cotylydons. The plants are outside now and vegging alright.

I will check out my plants tomorrow, take some more shots (hopefully they will work this time) and report back.

In abit!



Heres an update on how my plants are doing. Checked up on them yesterday.

Outdoor Grapefruit (Actually starting to smell a very faint scent of grapefruit now, smells gooood!)
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Purple Power (Again, smelling very slightly now. Sour and fruity, like it says on the tin!)
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The first alternate notch, a good sign im thinking. I read somewhere that once the plants starts alternating its notches then it is ready enough for flowering.
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Is this a problem? the leaves are slightly yellow in places with small, pin sized holes. Could this be the work of a caterpillar or something?
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Pretty pleased with how things are coming along. The 2 plants above are about 15 inches high, at least. I heard that in the first few weeks of flower the plants are meant to stretch a fair bit anyway so they could reach an ok height. Not expecting a big yeild though obviously.

The other two Purple Powers are on the slow side. Still pretty much seedlings so we'll have to see what happens with them. not looking good though.

Feel free to tell me what you think, cheers.

Stoogy. :joint: