Late outdoor grow sacramento... Take two...


Well-Known Member
lol all of those work wit me... i find it hilarious when older folks (no offence) use the word homie. i wonder wat else ssb could stand for...


Well-Known Member
You just listen here young man, we were using 'Homie', back when you were just a!.........oh nevermind!..........!



Well-Known Member
thanks man, gardening is my passion but my dogs are my life. if i had to choose between the two it wouldnt even be a choice. my dogs r about the only thing that mean more to me than gardening so thanks for mentioning them cuz it reminded me that i need to go spray them with their hot spot spray and give them their antibiotics. i hate this time of year, every year my dogs get hot spots and its $140 each for 3 dogs. i have another dog that is not pictured, an offspring of the two that r pictured.
South Sac! Gotta love it. Didn't know there were so many of us here. I am a Greenhaven girl. Used to be anyway, now Rancho C. Right by the cop shop. Ghetto bird flies over more than daily. I guess if they come to get me I will have to give them a hit.
Lol... "ghetto bird" flies over my garden in DelPasoHeights multiple times a day. I'm more worried bout rippers than hater effin 5 O. I bet 1 out of 5 houses in every neighborhood in Sac has a grow op of some sort inside/outside or both. Overgrow the government!!!

How do you seasoned SacTown veterans deal with this heat? I got way too much stretching between nodes and probly gunna have some airy buds this crop. It rarely gets over 90* in da bay where im from.
thanks man... and ya there is a bunch of us from sac on here, maybe cuz everybody and there mother in sac is growin bud. n thats hardly an exaggeration, i can name about 20 people real quick that are growing. and i could probably take my time and think of another 10 or so that i know of, its pretty crazy out here when it comes to that. and my uncle lives out in citrus heights, definately a much better area. hes also growing and if he wasnt so paranoid id post up some pictures of his garden, puts mine to shame a couple times over. hes been ammending his soil for about 15 years now, its like butter. but im gonna try n find ur grow in the organics section, you should put a link to it in your signature...
I live in an apartment in Citrus Heights or else i would be doing my outdoor in that neighborhood. Only backyard i could find this year was in DPH. The area is kinda sketch to me so ima be camping with da girls like 5150 when they start gettin smelly. 3 dogs including a pit on the property should help tho ;)
well my 7 biggest plants are still not budding so i went and threw a tarp up over them today and im gonna black them about for 2 days just to make sure they start budding. they are all blue dreams so if they take about 9 weeks to finish this will put them finishing at the first week of november. i wasnt goin to force them i was just plannin on covering them with the clear plastic to protect them from rain but i decided to force them first to get them started and then i will still put up the clear plastic later. does anyone else have any plants that are still in full on veg? i mean they got preflowers but theyve had them for a month and they have no pistils or buds formin yet. i got blue dreams that i bought from another place and they are already 2 weeks into budding. there is no light pollution so i dont know what this strains deal is but they will start budding now whether they like it or not. ill get some pics up of my ghetto covering job real soon.
My blue dream was potted the first week of august, its now only on its 3rd week of flower. Same story here. Gunna have to make a run for some plastic.
Wuts up with Praying Mantis and cannabis? I find one on at least one plant every year. They must be stoners lol. I had 3 days ago in my garden. Bless him. He was taking care of the mites on my Skywalker x Lemon Kush. I accidentally neemed my lil' buddy tho because i seen the mites before i saw him. When i was sprayin i was like " Sorry lil dude, didnt see you there." He wasn't there the next day so i probably pissed him off.
I want to try lady bugs next week. Does anyone know the best way to use those lil guys? i have my garden fenced in with 6' bamboo fencing in a 5' by 8' square.


Well-Known Member
Lol... "ghetto bird" flies over my garden in DelPasoHeights multiple times a day. I'm more worried bout rippers than hater effin 5 O. I bet 1 out of 5 houses in every neighborhood in Sac has a grow op of some sort inside/outside or both. Overgrow the government!!!

How do you seasoned SacTown veterans deal with this heat? I got way too much stretching between nodes and probly gunna have some airy buds this crop. It rarely gets over 90* in da bay where im from.
Hey $toli. I smell gardens everywhere I go. Love that smell. As to the heat, not much to be done about it. It sucks - especially without central h/a.


Active Member
I want to try lady bugs next week. Does anyone know the best way to use those lil guys? i have my garden fenced in with 6' bamboo fencing in a 5' by 8' square.
I tried 2,000 lil ladies a few weeks ago. Within a couple days 98.5% of them were gone. Hell, I watched many of them simply fly off as I let em go.. lol
I heard some peeps glue their wings by spraying coke a cola on them. Thats animal cruelty in my opinion ;)


Well-Known Member
well u can throw up some shade cloth it'll drop the temp about 15 degrees but it also does filter out some of the light. i had my shade cloths up early in the year and i took them down when the weather was cool for a couple days and just never put em back up. i heard a lot of good stuff about bushmasters but have never tried it.
i have a friend that put the lady bugs in the fridge for 20 min. to put them in a heibernation state. then you take em out and sprinkle lil ladys over the plants. Within a few minutes they thaw out and wake up and start crawling all over.

Did you use like a cheese cloth or light covering to cover the plants while ladys are on em? that will keep them from flying away right away.

I wouldnt want someone to spray me down with soda pop so i wouldnt do it to any other creature