Late for Tomorrow

I am late for tomorrow,
before it even arrives.
Everything’s so full, what has happened to our lives…

You can live for tomorrow,
you can live in yesterday.
Whichever you choose, in that place you stay…

Some hang on to the “glory days,”
others hold on to the hope that tomorrow brings something better.
In either place your wings are bound, all tied and locked in those fetters….

I only have today, only this moment and this breath in my lungs are certain.
Yet I live in tomorrow, carrying brokenness from yesterday’s sorrow…

Forget your wings, forget that you can fly… Let life move you along in its current, and soon after your spirit surely dies.
It happens slowly at first, and starts with the simplest denials to our hearts wishes and desires. It usually snowballs from there, so much to the place that we don’t even recognize our hearts wishes or desires anymore… Because she has just stopped speaking to us; so broken and bound in yesterday, she can’t move freely into today….

What happened to our connection to Mother Earth, the days when we walked in the woods and communed with nature and each other face to face, a slower, stiller pace… Where has it gone?!?
We live in the age of technology, where so much communication and much more is available in the palm of our hands. Yet we relate to others less, hurt each other more, seemingly with less regard. We have somehow become hermits, bound to our technology that can show us the world, yet afraid to truly step into it… My precious…
Traded for speed walking, texts and games; fitting every possible activity into every possible moment in our lives. But what about this moment we are walking through right this instant, with the blinders on our eyes, our head is down, so too much to do…
We continually keep moving so we feel like we are making progress, never lifting up our eyes fully, to see we are truly walking in circles, trapped in a tail spin of confused emotions that are never processed…
You will never see where you truly are, until you know where you have been…
I am taught to inhale and say “Let it happen” to every thought, worry, concern, and fear, no matter its absurdity or insignificance… I observe the feelings and emotions attached to the thoughts in my mind, and as I exhale I say “Let it go” and I release those feelings into the atmosphere where they are absorbed (and with release from my spirit) can now turn into something good and beneficial for me and others, instead of something that has kept me bound and broken…

The grandest species on this earth, we are the only ones here who can decide our own fates. We can change our minds whenever we like; using past experiences and knowledge to grow from and capitalize on today. We can express and communicate love to each other, express and feel compassion and so very much more, yet everyone seems to be forgetting each other, in their rush to keep up..

I choose to no longer be a worker ant; following the butt of the person in front of me, gauging their movements so I can adjust mine, working, prodding, working, working, working….
So I observe, I let it happen and I take a step back to see how things are running in this world. The clarity that comes when we step out of a circumstance that has our bodies bound in confusing emotions that are pushing and prodding us to respond in ways we don’t even know how to, is amazing. Instead of a once narrowed vision and hurried pace, we choose to step out of the current that everyone else seems so easily and willingly swept into and we make our own path instead; by listening to our heart when she speaks, so we aren’t forced to listen to her wails when she weeps…
I make my own path…