late flower problem, roughly 10 days left of flower


Well-Known Member
The past few days more and more of my fan leaves are looking like this.. I am using soil (foxfarm) I am about 8.5 weeks into flower (10 week strain). I started using gravity 3 days ago (using half recommended dosage, 1/2ml per gallon).


So only a few days ago it was looking great, green and everything was OK?
I don't know what "gravity" is, but if this really is a recent problem it's probably related to that feeding.

But to me, it looks like a plant with a longer history of stress. If so, maybe you need to flush. I've never flushed, in fact - ingore my ramblings and wait for the next poster :-)


Well-Known Member
So only a few days ago it was looking great, green and everything was OK?
I don't know what "gravity" is, but if this really is a recent problem it's probably related to that feeding.

But to me, it looks like a plant with a longer history of stress. If so, maybe you need to flush. I've never flushed, in fact - ingore my ramblings and wait for the next poster :-)
lol, overall the plants looked nice last week, had a few leaves that looked like this here and there, but now the past couple days its getting bad and has me worried. Gravity is a flower hardener.


Well-Known Member
Plant still looks like it has a lot of white pistils. Have you checked the trichomes? How do you know you have 10 days left? Looks like either super severe heat stress and you burnt the leaves or it's fertilizer related. Assuming the temps are fine(what are they) and the problem isn't on any other plants and happened suddenly it's most likely related to your feeding like OGA said.

No idea why people use additional stuff like flower hardeners, it's a weed that grows just fine without all these supplements that probably do more harm than good. If that's the only thing you've changed that's probably your problem. Flush, discontinue use of any additional supplements for a week and see if the problem corrected itself.


Well-Known Member
Plant still looks like it has a lot of white pistils. Have you checked the trichomes? How do you know you have 10 days left? Looks like either super severe heat stress and you burnt the leaves or it's fertilizer related. Assuming the temps are fine(what are they) and the problem isn't on any other plants and happened suddenly it's most likely related to your feeding like OGA said.

No idea why people use additional stuff like flower hardeners, it's a weed that grows just fine without all these supplements that probably do more harm than good. If that's the only thing you've changed that's probably your problem. Flush, discontinue use of any additional supplements for a week and see if the problem corrected itself.
This is the first time I have used gravity, buddy of mine runs it and suggested I try it. I will flush the plants and see what happens. Normally it takes about 10 weeks for this strain to finish (4th time running it) and 10 weeks will be up in about 10-12 days, last harvest took about 5 days over the 10 week point to finish.

Temp is 79-81 in flower room, humidity is 40-50 percent.

Just added some more photos


Well-Known Member
You have more experience with the strain than I do, but it doesn't look like it's 10-12 days away from being ready. The "gravity" you used probably fucked it up. Never seen fan leaves so white before. What's it supposed to do anyway?


Well-Known Member
You have more experience with the strain than I do, but it doesn't look like it's 10-12 days away from being ready. The "gravity" you used probably fucked it up. Never seen fan leaves so white before. What's it supposed to do anyway?
Its a flower hardener, some kelp extract stuff.

I know, they look really bad to me, and it was looking so nice just a week ago. I hope it does not wipe everything out, has me very concerned. I am new to this and still learning and have a ton more to learn, only been doing this for about 8 months, this was my first run that looked really good up until now. Nice big buds, very tight/hard to the touch on all 16 plants in this run. Most of the top buds 12-16" long and as fat as my forearm. I was very hesitant to run this gravity shit to begin with, now I am regretting it.


Well-Known Member
looks like P deficiency kinda with the DARK necrotic spots I see here and there but I'm not 100 percent sure..


Well-Known Member
So if I flush a ton with straight ro water and that solves the problem will the plant recover with all these 'dead' dried leaves around the bud (the bottom half of the plant the fan leaves look fine for the most part). Will it grow new ones this late into flower around the tops? thanks again all!


Well-Known Member
So close to harvest the leaf to bud ratio probably won't be that high. They won't be any larger than what's currently growing at least. Any dead or nearly dead leaves won't regrow or recover either. You'll probably have to make due with the bottom half of the plant. Sucks because you looks like you're pretty close to harvesting.


Active Member
You should want to flush completely 12-14 days before harvest unless i'm mistaken, is the kelp a non-toxic additive? for the reasearch i've done the only additive worth using that isnt nutes ect is Dutch Masters foliar spray which i've read in a lot of forums really helps your plants bud quality/yield. Id go with what the others are saying and flush this gravity solution your using, most of these super bud producing additives ussually dont work so well and ive heard that kelp in paticular can affect end taste? maybe worth doing more reaearch!

your near the end now though, if you can flush your plants and keep them going for just that little bit longer you should be okay and by the looks of it that bud is going to be dank anyway!

Also is this ALL of your plants or just one or several?



Well-Known Member
You should want to flush completely 12-14 days before harvest unless i'm mistaken, is the kelp a non-toxic additive? for the reasearch i've done the only additive worth using that isnt nutes ect is Dutch Masters foliar spray which i've read in a lot of forums really helps your plants bud quality/yield. Id go with what the others are saying and flush this gravity solution your using, most of these super bud producing additives ussually dont work so well and ive heard that kelp in paticular can affect end taste? maybe worth doing more reaearch!

your near the end now though, if you can flush your plants and keep them going for just that little bit longer you should be okay and by the looks of it that bud is going to be dank anyway!

Also is this ALL of your plants or just one or several?

all of them, some worse than others though.