Late flower orange/brown spots...


Well-Known Member
This is my Peak Seeds Skunkberry. About 7 weeks from the flip, 5 1/2 since showing. This has come on pretty quickly, within the past week.

Initially I was concerned that it looks similar superficially to rust fungus ( that diggs99 and Renfro talked about (not tagging you because I don't want you to feel compelled to respond, though I'd welcome your input). But it doesn't seem to look like much of anything else, though.

The affected areas are crispy, and don't look fuzzy under 60x mag. It looks more necrotic.

Have seen one or two small flies, but nothing to really indicate an infestation.

I figured this plant has about 2-3 more weeks to go, and was planning on cutting nutes pretty soon.

-HLG QB 288 v2 3000k @ about 135w, about a foot above canopy
-temps have been generally in the mid to low 70s (it hasn't really broken the low 80s for a couple of weeks)
-humidity has been around 35-40 for the most part
-Happy Frog
-feeding every other watering (it's wanted water about every three days... roughly half strength AN grow, GH Micro flora, and full strength AN Bloom, along with full strength Blue Planet Cal/Mag I know I should be mixing product lines)
-have been giving molasses on opposite feedings for 2 weeks or so

I know things tend to get ugly towards the end, and a minor deficiency isn't that big of a deal at this point. Just hoping this isn't something catastrophic (as rust fungus might be).

6-15SB.jpg 6-15SBb.jpg
Sorry for the wordy post... thanks for reading


Well-Known Member
kinda looks like Calcium def on the lower leaves where it isn't so bad but not sure it is that either


Well-Known Member
I agree. Before that other problem showed up on those top leaves I was thinking it was developing a minor Cal problem, which is why I was giving Cal/Mag (that and the other plant that's about to finish seems to have a serious Cal problem).

I should add that I haven't been phing the water... but when I add nutes the ph drops to about 6.5-.6.7, on the alternate waterings it's more like 7.2-7.5, which is a bit high, but shouldn't be enough to cause a problem (I don't think).

I'll flush tonight or tomorrow morning and measure run-off.


Well-Known Member
I agree. Before that other problem showed up on those top leaves I was thinking it was developing a minor Cal problem, which is why I was giving Cal/Mag (that and the other plant that's about to finish seems to have a serious Cal problem).

I should add that I haven't been phing the water... but when I add nutes the ph drops to about 6.5-.6.7, on the alternate waterings it's more like 7.2-7.5, which is a bit high, but shouldn't be enough to cause a problem (I don't think).

I'll flush tonight or tomorrow morning and measure run-off.
I definitely would have that ph around 6.8 max


Well-Known Member
Raise the light as well. It’s likely a part of the problem.
Good point. I raised it a little bit yesterday because it looked like it was starting to foxtail a bit (see below). But I didn't really connect that with this other problem. I took a tape measure and it was at about 11" from the canopy... which means it had been closer to 9 or 10 before. Now it's at an honest 14".



Well-Known Member
I flushed with what distilled water I had left and the run-off read at about 7.6... i forgot to measure the ppm.

Then I gave a good watering with light bloom and micro nutes phed to 6.7 (it was watering/feeding day anyway)

The good news is that whatever it was on few sugar leaves doesn't seem to have spread much. It also does seem that the two colas that were affected are probably the ones that get the most light, though I do try to rotate it to help spread it around.

Logan Burke

Well-Known Member
Let us know how it turns out...I think the close lights could've been, at least, a part of the problem. I know that elements like calcium are semi mobile, meaning they can appear anywhere that foliage and/or buds are actively growing. So if it doesn't subside after raising the lights, you may try supplementing some?