Well-Known Member
You could use a trick from the aquarium trade, get a secondhand CO2 bottle and regulators, a Milwaukee or similar pH controller and use CO2 to adjust pH in your res automatically.
I must have read 100,000 or more posts about growing pot on various forums and never once heard of anyone using CO2 to pH water for plants. I have read a couple threads where the OPs figured that they had come up with a brilliant idea to feed CO2 thru their airstones in the mistaken belief that it would somehow supercharge their plants with needed CO2. Don't recall anyone actually doing it and writing about it.
Every single response shot that idea down in flames and rightly so. Some were curious and urged the author to go for it but I never saw anyone do it. I've been thinking for a long time about enriching the oxygen that gets pumped into the rez and to me that's a sound idea but I haven't tried that yet as getting a bottle of O2 and a flow gauge was a bit more money than wanted to spend on the experiment. What with being broke/cheap/Scottish/Canadian and all that.

I just did a little searching for CO2 in aquariums and it seems it's only used for planted aquariums to supply CO2 to the plants and keep the pH down a bit. As there are no growing plants under water in a rez needing CO2 it sounds like a non-starter for growing pot. pH down or some other acid sounds like a better idea to me and that's what everyone seems to use. I used conc. sulfuric acid to lower my pH in DWC before I started using pH Perfect nutes. 4 - 6 drops in a 50L tub would bring the pH down to around 5.3 from 6.3 and it would creep up again to around 6.3 in 3 days which was when I would top up with RO water and test the pH and PPM and make my adjustments again.
Fish sure seem to take a lot of fussing around with so I think I'll stick to growing pot. I've tried smoking fish but they are a bitch to keep lit.