Late bloomer fuckup?

Mrs. Weedstein

Well-Known Member
I have a bad feeling I will not like the answers to this question but might as well ask:

Due to various timing issues, etc., I plan to put a late flowering sativa out from 18/6 indoor to natural light cycle outdoors right now.

One of the parents was extremely late to flower last year, so I figured why waste time having her out there when the daylight is still lengthy.

But now it occurred to me that maybe the issue isn’t the day length but the time outside during long nights.

In other words, is this plant still going to take forever to flower even though days are short? Or have I cut a lot of waiting time off by putting her outside once the nights are getting long?

Last year I harvested in early November. Am I still going to harvest in early November or will the buds not be ripe?

I feel like I am not being clear (drunk) but hopefully you get my gist. Is it the short days or the time under short days that leads to ripeness.

My sickly feeling is that they won’t ripen any faster under lower light conditions. The plant may go to bud faster but it will hurt my yields a lot. Well I probably fucked this one up but what the hell.
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