Last week before harvest

ok guys my first grow, this site is awesome i always read what everyone writes for advice and everything, just finally signed up today. Ok this is my first time, but im using a 400 watt hps, im using miracle grow three month soil, which now i know is the worst stuff to use ever but its too late, i never used any nutrients, because the mg soil already said it had nutrients and i didnt want to burn my plant up, very simple set up, i have one female, she is less than a week away from harvesting judging by the crystals and everything, just asking for advice i think i watered it for the last time today and i usually have to water it every other day from drying out, any thing special i should do the last couple days to get every last bit out of the plant, maybe let it dry out an extra day? when i did water it today i flushed it really good, so it got extra watered. The lights are on a 12/12 timer any advice haha or criticism would be great i dont know if i spelled that word right haha thanks, about maybe 65 to 70 percent of the hairs are brown, but the top buds its more like 80 to 90 percent, i heard something about leaving it in the dark for the last 24 hours no light like it makes more resins or something? idk, just dont really know if i should just cut it down or if there are any little tips to help beofre i cut it


Well-Known Member
Congrats man! You got colas the first time around.

Yea I go 48 hours darkness before cutting and noticed more amber trichs but didnt notice much when I did 24 so if you are going to do it go 48 hrs.

Harvest tip: cut, trim leaf and hang for 4 days in the dark, then put it in jars for 2 days, then put it in paper bags for 2 days then store back in jars for cure. Works awesome.


Active Member
Good advice from Cruzer...

If you are gonna do the 2 days of dark then go ahead and flush with water. It won't hurt the taste at all..

Feel your buds at 4 days. If they don't feel dry don't put them in the jars. You bud should feel dry, but your stems still be bendy...

You did great for your first time. Make sure you cure it atleast a week or 2 so that you get the best results. You deserve it.

Great job, keep growin!
thanks guys i heard you were suppose to hang the plants up for like two weeks or something then go to the jars i guess everyone has there own way, ive heard so many diff ways to cure it, any more advice on curing? ive heard to let them dry until the big stem snaps, and then what you just told me about just hanging them up for four days, i really have no idea on how to cure them i guess i need to read up some more.


When you dry / cure you're playing with moisture. a danger zone if you're on the watery side. Mold ! mildew !

You want a minimal amount in the buds when you jar them, hence the outside feeling crispy while the stems are still bendy.

Now open those jars(5 mins) on a daily or hourly basis to free the trapped moistened air or you will get mold

However you dont want them to dry out too fast or the chlorophyl and other such nasty stuff wont break down or get used up. ( i think thats why)

You sound fine, its priceless the amount you learn on your first grow. keep it up.
yeah now that i look at all this when to harvest stuff i think i might have about a week and a half left, i was jumping the gun the top bud looks done but everything else looks like it could use a little bit longer


Well-Known Member
yeah now that i look at all this when to harvest stuff i think i might have about a week and a half left, i was jumping the gun the top bud looks done but everything else looks like it could use a little bit longer
go ahead and cut the top bud off as a sample then...try to dry it the way you think is the best way you have found, and go from there...nice grow man..Happy Growing!


Well-Known Member
go ahead and cut the top bud off as a sample then...try to dry it the way you think is the best way you have found, and go from there...nice grow man..Happy Growing!
I agree, i'm new to indoor growing, but i've cut down the tops of plants outdoors up to almost two weeks prior to cutting down the bottom buds on the plant...

If the top looks done, chop chop... enjoy!! u deserve it!!
I'd love to put some pics up before I cut her down. Is that sketchy though I see everyone else and all ihave is my I phone camera were gonna do a hydro setup starting in like a week with some blackjack seeds and some snow white seeds from nirvana or whatever we started it sept 7th it's chest high and almost ready to cut down and it's only Been flowering for a month there's def over an ounce on it though
And the hairs are starting to recede and everything tons of thc idk is that weird maybe it's just a small plant or weird strain how much harder is a hydro setup vs my dumbass miracle grow soil and 400 watt hps light setup? In sure the yield is alot more, But Is it alot. Maintenance, like I'd be able to check on the plants at least once every twelve hours I just don't wanna mess up once I get these badass seeds


Well-Known Member
you will be fine! Just continue to research and ask questions like you are doing, and get everything in order first hand, and you are good to go...You did the right thing by starting with BS seeds, and working your way up...


Active Member
There are man many ways to get into hydro. DWC is cheap to get into and almost everyone is having great results. I personal have a 3x3 tray and do ebb and flow. You will do great. Just listen to everyone on here. There are some great people on here.