Last try


Well-Known Member
WEll I finally got something to germinate. Now What, How do i transplant them to my soil without killing them like I always do. Paper towel gemination method. Please Help. My Alpha 13's arrived today and I don't wanna keep em waiting. THis was my last batch of bag seed that I had and I dont wanna kill my Alpha's


Poke a hole about 1-2 cm deep in the soil, drop your bean in with the white root facing down and put soil over it lightly, water it in


Well-Known Member
Yeap what russ said. Be very gentle the entire time. Sounds silly but wash your hands before handling the seeds. I use a mist bottle and keep my soil moist. Just had my second little girl (hopefully) pop up today.


Well-Known Member
Good thing im one of those blody Americans that understands the metric system. So it does not matter if I do it in light or dark? Cold or warm. Just no skin oil and try ont to touch the root right?


Well-Known Member
Think of it like this. It is a baby so treat it like a baby. Keep it warm and clean. Unlike a baby it wants to be in the dark.


Well-Known Member
Not to over simplify the issue, but it is a seed after all.........

Temperature, moisture, and a satisfactory medium within which to grow will give you your desired result.

Mother nature has very few if any "paper towels" to propogate in and to date has been quite successful.

A room temperature flower pot (cup size) with a good gardening soil inside moistened to where you can feel it is damp will grow seeds. Just insure the soil is kept damp (not wet) until the sprout pops up. If you plan on placing the wee one outside after having nurtured it indoors for any length of time, don't forget to harden it off properly.


Well-Known Member
OK I have tried and tried

First = Just placed seeds in soil they sprouted, lived 3 days and then died a horrible death (so I smoked them)

Second = same thing but different soil

Third = Used Paper towel germination found 6 sprouts, transplanted them, checked 7-days later nothing, could not even find the sprout remains i soil WTF

Fourth = Placed seeds in pot, waited (still waitin), Nothing.

Fifth = Sprouted some in Paper Towel will transplant tonight. not hopeful.

Come on we are dealing with Blackthumb Plantkilller here I can kill plants just by looking at them (not to worry it doesnt work with pictures) Please HELP


Well-Known Member
You are over thinking this whole thing. I had near 100% successful sprouting by putting placing the sprouts like 3/4 inch down into the soil (50% top soil & 50% perilite) that had been well-watered before planting. Then I covered the top of the cups with plastic wrap and kept in >75 degrees Farenheit. Then when they sprouted I waited until the soil felt very dry and then watered lightly. They all took off fine. You need to change out the soil and use a good airy mix.


Well-Known Member
Um I started with the plant em and let em grow but after the fisrt batch died then the second then the 3,4 well I begin to wonder

Trichome God

Active Member
Dam that last post was funny as shit!! Blackthumb PlantKiller NICE!!!!! Dude It sould only take 2-3 days for your seed to germinate. As soon as they do plant them about an inch deep and then water with no furt (plant food). Give it a couple days before you water again. Let the soil pretty much dry out before watering again. It sounds to me like you might be drowing them


Well-Known Member
Germination NO Problem, Transplanting no problem, getting them to live after that NO Go.

In soil no problem grow to 2-3 day old sprouts then ack dead/ Read my signature BTPK

Farmer Mark

Active Member
HEY!! I had the same problems before planting my plants a week ago...I was afraid I couldnt manage to plant the seeds, nor to make them germinate...first,,I didnt read about the paper towel method...and I planted my seeds (3seeds) in their final pots, straight away, by poking a 1cm hole...and shoving(gently) the seeds in them, covering, watering etc...I waited 3/4 days and nothing happened, although I kept I got frustrated, even if all the guys who helped me said not to worry..


I got 2 other new seeds,:hump:
I put some towels in a plate, 2 seeds, watered them, put a towel on top, a plate on top of the other plate to keep my seeds in total darkness, and I wrapped the whole thing in a wool planket, and placed it on the radiator (lol)...the whole thing was a good idea, because the radiator was the temperature my seeds were supposed to grow in...23C°...after a day my seeds didnt germinate and I was poking my eyeballs out of my skull with frustration...but then they germinated!!!!!!!!:hump:

I was happy and put my seeds in pots, but after a few days also the seeds which I planted directly in the pots germinated...and these plants were even healtyer than the other two! soooooo if you really suck at transplanting your germinated seeds, although I havn't got much experience..I suggest to plant the seeds directly in the pots! and then transplant in bigger pots!:hump:

PS: remember to put your light next to the small plants when they sprout,,,because otherwise the plants will grow to tall and weak...all of my plants eccept one are too tall :S and I only have 4 crappy small plants (but I love them)...:mrgreen:

CHEERS!!!:blsmoke: :peace: :joint:


Well-Known Member
Cypher, after you transplant them to soil do they just fall over and die? Explain what happens to them. Do they wilt, dry out, discolour, etc.....


Well-Known Member
Well if germinated in soil sometimes they grow about the size of the pic and die. If germinated in Paper towel they never break soil after transplanting