Last 20 messages to 10,000. Better make them COUNT! And countdown to 1 year anniversary!

This is working, Im getting sleepy....yaaaaawn.

giphy.gif tumblr_inline_mm6ra2NdIQ1qz4rgp.gif tumblr_lnh736smk21qaddd0.gif

May not make it to 10 G's tonight.

5 G's seems like only yesterday...or maybe 2 months ago? hahahaha

I should probably sleep and shut the fuck up sometimes. hahahahahahahahaa


In a sock I just came, all cums seem the same. Yes, I am still bored but there's no one to blame...

I think I'll smoke up and sip scotch from my cup. Then watch Dr. Phil because he knows what's up...

To bed I will head, my head feels like lead. I have to trim plants, so tomorrow I dread...
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That just made my morning.

He's such a smart dude. Why can't everyone think like him?

Bahahahahahah - I only read the first ones, totally thought that was actually a Seuss...

Was it? I'm still only on the 4th picture or so. I was laughing pretty hard. hahahaha
