last 2-4 weeks!!???

ite so this is my second post maybe. im in the last 2-4 weeks of watering about every 5-7days. the hairs are browning. when should i stop feeding them? and i have some homemade oil promtion solubale, made with a handfull of metals n shit and molases, ive been giving them. from what ive seen its bomb as fuck. im also using a sweetner. can i keep mixing that in with my straight ph'd water when i stop adding nutes?


Well-Known Member
Hey Kush She looks great i would say wait till the third week and then flush her. but at that point i think u should jus give her ur ph'd water


Well-Known Member
No i was sayin the 3rd week from now so really week 8 then jus start giving here the ph'd water so there wont b any build up of nutes


Well-Known Member
hey man niiice looking crop there. i like to keep feeding up until the last 2 weeks. on the second last, i use a lighter bloom solution with a good amount of molasses as usual, and on the last watering, i soak the soil with clean fresh water and harvest when it starts to dry out.
word. any good flushing agents youd recomend? ive been trying to get some gravity by h.c.o. but i cant find shit. i know im its been banned in cali for a minute but seems like other states are too.