Laserbrn ~ (DP White Widow) + (Green Crack x Romulan) + (BB Blue Cheese)


Well-Known Member
yea the time feels like it really is dragging on towards the end .... good luck with that harvest .... should be a good one!!


Well-Known Member
Thanks...they look a mighty bit good to me. I took some a cutting of one of the buds to look at the trich's and they were either all broken off or all hadn't developed heads yet. I'm thinking broken off as it's pretty late in the game to be THAT undeveloped. I think I pinched it taking it off.

I'll check it out again tonight, but overall they still look like youngsters to me. I've never grown a white strain before so I don't really know what they look like when they are getting closer. I'll probably harvest one of them tonight. Then one next week and so one and so forth for awhile so that I can keep track of which buds came out the best. This is the only the first run and I'd rather just know which I liked best with this strain from the start.

Might not do one tonight (8 weeks) as they just seem too immature though. I dunno, I'm really high and it's early.


Well-Known Member
Alright, I harvested the plants last night and hung them up to dry. I came home and found my veg room had exploded with growth. I estimate that in a week they will all be big enough to go into this flowering room. That gives me one week to hang these girls to dry and to clean out the flowering room and get it all turned around for the next batch. These plants look amazing and I just wanted to say thanks for playing.

I have no idea what the yield will be, but some of these buds are absolutely enormous. I'm thinking it will be a higher yeild than I was aiming for. Pretty much has to be. I was just looking to get SOMETHING over the summer. This turned out to be a little more than "something"

I'll post the overall weight when it's all dried out.



Well-Known Member
that's a mighty fine harvest ... and one sh*tload of quality smoke!! Great job man. Walk on!!~~~~~


Well-Known Member
I didn't feel those harvest pictures really did much justice for the ginormity of these buds. The buds hanging from the black hangers are all HUGE. There are very few "small" buds because on 1/2 of the plants I chopped off the lower 1/3 of the growth early on in flower. I have to admit, that works VERY well.

The 1/2 of the plants that weren't trimmed had a greater quantity of smaller buds and alot of annoying popcorn buds. The trimmed plants had much larger colas and side shoots. The side shoots look like cola's I've had in the past haha.

Anyway, I took some pictures to give perspective on how big these fuckers are. They are all giants and it makes them look small in the pictures.



Well-Known Member
plump and round and long dong ..... excellent. those additional photos really put it all into perspective. Thanks for the additional pics ... great great harvest ... Walk on!!~~~~~


Well-Known Member
damn man, this is a great grow. i just found this and looked through it, im impressed by your problem solving abilities (i.e. rip them out), and VERY jealous of your harvest...
+rep to you and i hope you enjoy your smoke


Well-Known Member
in what week did you start cutting the bottom of the plant
I started trimming them up after the first week of flower. Did another trim up at two weeks. Haven't touched them since. It's amazing the difference. It's worth it just to not have to deal with the popcorn buds period.


Well-Known Member
damn man, this is a great grow. i just found this and looked through it, im impressed by your problem solving abilities (i.e. rip them out), and VERY jealous of your harvest...
+rep to you and i hope you enjoy your smoke
Thanks, I appreciate that. It's always a tough decision, but I wanted the most bud I could get in the least amount of time and I didn't want to mess with it all. The guy that I got the clones from ended up having to harvest a bit early due to a spider mite infestation. I think at affected his yeild severely although he was very fortunate and got some good smoke out of it. I'm glad I just started over and I was able to do it pretty problem free.

My veg area is chalk full right now and I'll be starting another journal in a week. I need to clean out the flowering tent and bug bomb everything, get all ready for another round.

I'm trying to work a deal right now to get some LED's for a 600w side by side comparison in a seperate tent. I'm pretty excited about working on that project.


Well-Known Member
what was ur final weight for the harvest. Great job. im gonna go back and read through the whole thread


Well-Known Member
Thanks again. I haven't weighed this all out yet. Wet weight is kind of worthless so when it's dried it'll get weighed and I will let everyone know. This tent was never filled properly from the beginning so I doubt the weight is going to be very impressive.

In a week I'll start the next round flowering, they are in veg right now and just waiting to get into their new home. I'll post up some pics tomorrow of the new girls in their veg room.

I'm thinking this yeild will be somewhere near 6-7 oz's. It's hard to tell at this point, but I'm basing that on the fact that I figure I could've gotten about 20% more by being more efficient and what I expect from a a 600w lamp.

Soon enough we will know. I grow this for my own smoke anyway and 8-9 weeks behind this batch will be another batch so I don't need it to be huge.