Pump this track
haha, that cost me nearly 2 grand!. there are friends and there are friends, you get me?.
he isn't in this for the love like me though, he hasn't got a clue about plant care. i went around there the other day and it was a sorry state. pm in the veg tent meant i had to bin a critical+ mother plant, the og#18 cuttings i had taken were all dead because he hadn't wet the root riot plugs since i had last gone there, all the mother plants had tonnes of dead leaves hanging in the canopy and needed thinning out. i basically need to tell him exactly what to do and when to do it. i'm preoccupied with my own shit at the min, as well as working 50 hours a week.
fuck me bro sounds like a load more work but i suppose its worth it in the end lol
doesn't sound like he should be growing lol. A bit of tought love will sort him out I reckon. That is of course, if there's something in it for you

haha. easy wow whats going on bro
he's not all bad, he just doesn't get excited as much as me i don't think.
how's tricks anyway las, what you smoking on?. i got some crazy blue cheese last week, it is nothing but big rock hard buds and it stinks to high heaven. when i look at it under the scope however, all clear with a couple of cloudy. whoever grew it was using some crazy additives, rox i'm thinking, it looks done to the naked eye and you could break windows with it, it just doesn't smoke the best though.
hope all is well with you
yeah bro things are good, cheers for asking
big rock hard buds and it stinks to high heaven
that sounded like my blue cheese till u explaned the rest lol, maybe just pulled to early. boosters made it look ready pumped it out like, sounds good wish i knew what it was lol
you alright las?, all gone quiet in here.
whats going on in your world this lovely friday?, great day for gardening.
haha yeah was a bit mongoed from the headband, g-bomb and cheese i been smoking lol

got outside over the weekend and done some gardening
potted up the flowering clones, already some strange coming out lol
hope your friday was as good as mine later
yeah bro was pretty good

hope ur well bro?
Morning bro. Just on way out but try catch you on later man. Hope all's well mate
ah been on and off lately but hope 2 catch up with u soon mate

hope ur well
What's going down in Las's Fingerez gardenez?
Hope you're swell lad,
things are going well under the new feeding schedual bro i'm loving it at the moment

cheers bro hope the same for u?
he's too baked to type........
who me? hahahaha
Morning bro. Early eh lol, day off and still getting up with the bird's! Give me a shout if your going to be about later mate! Hope all's good in Sunny Spain man!
all them siestas been making me miss u bro lol
crack of sparrow fart indeeed cindy mate. this is early for me ona sunday lol
better get used 2 it my friend lmao

hope ur good westy mc west?
How goes the battle las buddy?? Hope your well, I'm sure your garden is doing great!
Later man
battling with the stonedness but thats about it. these weeds are really nice smokes but i been smoking to much during the day and its been messing me up hahaha

gonna be cutting down this week

hope ur good mate?
12.12 Tent
Lemon aprox 4-5 weeks 12.12
Blue Cheese back right and small Livers x Cherry Cheese in the small blue pot (a few weeks behind)
BX2 Cheesy Surprises 2 weeks 12.12 no sign of sex yet, thinking that metal halide bulb isnt helping lol.
"The Doc" Snow White, topped for 6 colas but removed the top 2 shoots for 4 colas lol
Blue Cheese which has had a re-veg (DST this is the cheese re-veg i was talking about

Psycosis with training scrog screen (not full size screen yet)
Livers with training scrog screen (not full size screen yet)
Livers x Cherry Cheese mutilated lmao
Lemon Haze clone shortly after being taken, should pull throgh they normal do lol
Lemon Haze, this did have a screen on as u can tell but i noticed i was a bit heavy handed with one of the stalks so duct taped it so its still and gonna leave it for a few days to harden up in place,
i noticed them both at the same time, thought my tent was a bit noisy lmao. thank fuck i wasnt in flowering with the livers and 'co lol.
Hope ur all good?
edit - bloody pictures tonight lol