Las Fingerez Grow Journal - Various Strain Scrog


Well-Known Member
Some great music posted on that last page. A few of the really decent UK artists. Got a lot of time for Ed sheeran, never seen a ginger lad with so much swagger!

If you ever do develop that super strain I'd pay good money for a cutting lol.

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
These are my two main problems. I am pretty sure my insomnia is partly due to the pain but couldn't swear by it. No MJ, no sleep basically is how it is for me anymore. Alcohol will help me go to sleep but it's short lived and then the stimulant side of the alcohol seems to kick in and I'm awake.
hey my man how goes it? not so much the pain with myself, only at the mo but might carry on with the knee.... the sleep side though :)

Hey Pal, just in for one more quick Q on the H.T. Basically how the mating came aroung between a clone Lem. Haze and the (Fem) K-Train lol ....broad! p.s Not including selfing.

how u mean bro, how did i bread em? if so yeah i just used the hermi bollock off the k-train and spluffed the lemon. the k-train only had 3/4 sets off gonads so i think its managable, thats why ur my little test buddie :) i'll be a few weeks ahead of you anyway so if anything bad happens then i can tell u to scrap it asap but i think we'll be ok?

Some great music posted on that last page. A few of the really decent UK artists. Got a lot of time for Ed sheeran, never seen a ginger lad with so much swagger!

If you ever do develop that super strain I'd pay good money for a cutting lol.
yeah been looking at a bit of his stuff, u see the thing with example about nando's???? i was fucking cracking up, raw uk tallent right there :)

lol it wasnt me that was creating the super strain but my mate said i could have a cutting to mess around with on what he's done so far. i'll give u more info when i speak to him again. he's about to harvest my lemons pure organicly and said he's give me a shout when it was done. his "outside" blue cheese (the same guy i got my clone from) got some crack head to bring them in every day to a dark shed so they got 12.12 of brilliant british sunlight. that was the best i've ever had of my cut, he's a good grower :)

and bro i aint in the breading game for money, i'll leave that to the pro's on here ;) but once i'm happy with some shit, ur name was on my cards to run some trials and that for me ;)


Well-Known Member
lol it wasnt me that was creating the super strain but my mate said i could have a cutting to mess around with on what he's done so far. i'll give u more info when i speak to him again. he's about to harvest my lemons pure organicly and said he's give me a shout when it was done. his "outside" blue cheese (the same guy i got my clone from) got some crack head to bring them in every day to a dark shed so they got 12.12 of brilliant british sunlight. that was the best i've ever had of my cut, he's a good grower :)

and bro i aint in the breading game for money, i'll leave that to the pro's on here ;) but once i'm happy with some shit, ur name was on my cards to run some trials and that for me ;)
haha, yeh man, the nandos rap was awesome. theres a video of him walking down the street with devlin and they just start rhyming, I'll try find it


oh man I have got such a hilarious image in my head of a sketty little smackhead dranking a big ass blue cheese bush outside every day lol. sounds like he's got a pretty sweet deal!

ahhh you're too kind las. I don't have long enough to get into breeding but when I return to growing later on in life I will definitely be doing some experimenting. I'll still be lingering round here though haha, need to get my fix in somehow!

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
yeah that was one of the ones i saw that ed dude is heavy :) devlin has some lyrical flow, only ever heard one other MC thats been as intricate with his words as him :)


Well-Known Member
hey my man how goes it? not so much the pain with myself, only at the mo but might carry on with the knee.... the sleep side though :)

how u mean bro, how did i bread em? if so yeah i just used the hermi bollock off the k-train and spluffed the lemon. the k-train only had 3/4 sets off gonads so i think its managable, thats why ur my little test buddie :) i'll be a few weeks ahead of you anyway so if anything bad happens then i can tell u to scrap it asap but i think well be ok.

Wouldn't that make em fems? Have you already mentioned this? I Kay get on em a little sooner than thought.

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
yeah i believe so bro from my understandings?

are we correct any of the big guns that know this stuff like the back of their hands?


Well-Known Member
when a plant hermis, then yes the seeds will be fem but chances are that the seeds will carry the hermi gene and you will end up with more hermis. lol does that make any sense at all?

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
yep SB it sure does :) thats why i havent released them to the general public yet as i'd like to know how hermi they are gonna be. cheers for input :)


Well-Known Member
That's all i needed to know in a nut shell, exactly my Q Bro! I've every faith in them man!

Here's a top of the head thought: H.T x DPP x JTR(male) = Krazey Killer lol

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
me jealous never lmao ;) hahahaha

just been finishing of the misses laminate floor and smoking a bit of council hash today. run out of my green up here, smoked the last zoot last night lol. got a nice piece at home and my mate is chopping my cheese cuts down today, same age as my headband test, he owes me an oz :) really random he just rung me lmao

spoke 2 my house mate who is looking after the garden for me whilst i'm away and he said that the big scrogged girls are a few inches below the air cooled light :) he's gonna check again 2nite and raise the light if needed :) cant wait to see em now ;)

check out my new thread about how I do my scrogs. thought i'd make a thread as i get quite a bit of interest and questions on how I do it. Please do not post for the time being, i'm going to document another couple of girls and would like them all to be on the 1st page :) thanks

Las :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Just had a look fingers. Looks like some interesting shizz. I'll have a proper look when your finished. I gotta say I was really tempted to post a comment just to wind you up a tad (I know I'm a cunt) :)

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
cheers chaps, i'd probs be the same ;) just want em all on the same page so people dont have 2 sift through the thread to get the info. gonna do another one 2nite hopefully :)

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
HI Las, Here is a drawing of Lou-Lou playing in her tunnels of luv. hahahahahahah
Recommendations: 2 bong hitsbongsmiliebongsmilie ENJOY!!!!!!!!:mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen::peace:Amber
art 020.jpg


Well-Known Member
WOOT~ Just took your "Dr's" recommendation and took 2 hits of Sour Kush and then forgot what I was doing. Finally realizing that I was under Dr. advice I opened up the picture and took a look, well 20 mins later I peeled away and still I am in Awe. Mad Respect ~ Dr.Amber

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
wow amber that really is amazing but u know how i feel about that pic already :) so much detail must of taken you ages and i really apriciate it, my favorite picure so far. i'm always changing my desktop, i've just done it but i'm gonna do it again right now :)

gg13 u got ecsd x og kush? what i call the headband (hope i'm not offending anyone but calling it that, just what i've been reading latley) (DNA genetics, selfed seed)

Ladies and gents, can you do me a favor and show my pal some love over on his thread?

cheers :)

ps check out my "how to" SCROG thread, link is in my signature. Please leave your comments now and questions now :)

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Morning jambo good karma all day long my new friend lol!

Pain behind the knee, huh las? That's not good...considering how the injury occured and where the pain is, there is a good possibility that you a small tear in the miniscus cartilage under the patella. Given the degree of pain it is prolly a minor tear that can be helped out with some pt. Leg extensions and curls when the pain subsides...low low weight at first and high reps, do them slow!

Man one rip of zhar #3 this morning and I'm fooking half toasted already lol Have a good afternoon las, I'll talk to ya!!