Las Fingerez Grow Journal - Various Strain Scrog

mr west

Well-Known Member
id be crying at the thought of watching that film lmao. Its any emotional charged moment on tv thats backed up with music normaly strings or something

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
id be crying at the thought of watching that film lmao. Its any emotional charged moment on tv thats backed up with music normaly strings or something
yeah that does it for me subliminal chords (music) i think sometimes? a very clever advert or the ones about animals getting treated bad could set me off with the watery eyes lol. or someone doing really well after trying hard like the para-olympics

nooooooo, im 10yrs younger than westy, was the same for me, billy n disco biscuits into the 00's
sounds like ur roughly the same age as me then lol. ever go sanctuary? mk? even u westy?

mr west

Well-Known Member
oh yeah i go wen there is great accomplishement or jus cheers or one person being over happy lol i snot aswell as blub its embaressing

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
bless ya i bet u was a kind hearted fellow before ur mad days any way? saying that u'd never know about dst's past unless u asked hehehe (football)


Active Member
nah ive only ever been MK for shopping, skating, and concerts at the bowl lol, i turned 28 on sunday. i was more into global gathering, creamfields and MOS

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
lol :)

and we're back and normal again :) i was gonna go bed but i been reading about aquaponics :) very interesting as i understand the nitrogen cycle from my fish tank but not in that detail and i couldnt explain it to someone lol. i'm getting some info gathered together if anyones interested? i wanna give it a try but its the effort to get it working properly and if its practical lol

edit - damn that whodat for posting it on the 600 lmao ;)

edit edit - my last threads and posts are still a bit messed up but at least the menu bar is working again lol


Well-Known Member
I am having a little sob just reading all the nice comments, hahaha...fuk off gay lords j/k. I think the tear welling comes with age, as our muscles soften, so do our minds and hearts.... (they are just muscles after all, hehe)

I was just going to say Las, Whodat beat you to it and posted soemthing about that. Will need to watch the vid to get some clue about it.

Have a good un,



Well-Known Member
yo whats happening las! Just been reading the last page and without going back off topic that brought back the Mem's! HaHaHa
So how's the Lemon Smoking today! I once grew a White Skunk that just reeked of lemon from start to finnish! Like Lemon Curd, really distinct, so much so that my lass didnt like smoking it saying there was no taste of weed lmfao! I thought it was nice;>)
I think i was a bit too harsh with clearing out the old to bring in the new and left myself dry n no high! Got a wee bit para too, but was juggling too much anyway and going beyond sensible. By the way, the filter is on the menu lol.


Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
nah ive only ever been MK for shopping, skating, and concerts at the bowl lol, i turned 28 on sunday. i was more into global gathering, creamfields and MOS
Happy belated bday GreenThumb

yo whats happening las! Just been reading the last page and without going back off topic that brought back the Mem's! HaHaHa
So how's the Lemon Smoking today! I once grew a White Skunk that just reeked of lemon from start to finnish! Like Lemon Curd, really distinct, so much so that my lass didnt like smoking it saying there was no taste of weed lmfao! I thought it was nice;>)
I think i was a bit too harsh with clearing out the old to bring in the new and left myself dry n no high! Got a wee bit para too, but was juggling too much anyway and going beyond sensible. By the way, the filter is on the menu lol.

Bit of a dry spell in the gang, Westy's out, Don's out, jambo too?! Highlanders down to only two strains lol, pretty sure I'll be out too by the time of my next harvest, need to get that overlapping period dialed in a tad better :)


Well-Known Member
Out of sync, not sure what you mean....sorry to be such a c_ck but I refuse to pay 250 for an oz of nice bud when I sell it at max 200...doesn't make economic sense to me....I hate phone cameras



Well-Known Member
On the top we have BX2 Cheese, followed by DOG, then some Outdoor headband and some Cali Orange.
Then some real old Headband and then some NY47 (jar with red plaid lid) Chemchiesel underneath that. Then Casey Jones, Thelma Headband, then Oscar Headband, then last jar on the right is the Blackjack....not sure I can say which is my fave, they are all smoked at different times fo the day...I am about to smoke my first joint today which is going to be Casey Jones, with a cup of tea naturally...and may be a choccy digger, lol.