Larry OG vs. Tahoe OG in Dual Monster Plant System (2nd Scrog)

Wow, great pics flow, that setting is really getting in close!!!! Looking quite ready to pluck that flower. Peace, DST
okay i'll bite.... but only to play devil's advocate. :fire: be forewarned: i will NOT be dragged into a botanical debate about nutrient uptake pathways and ATPs and suchlike; that's where kitty starts gettin' ugleh.

contrary to popular opinion, one is NOT better than the other - only that one or the other might be better suited for a particular situation. and by "situation" i include grower skill and bias; if i'm setting up a 50light rdwc and hire a dyed-in-the-wool dirtfarmer for labour, that's MY problem not his.
personally, i think until you get to compare your own hydro to your own soil-grown (having become reasonably comfortable in both mediums), any discussion as to which is better is.... well, moot.

that's kind of like comparing 2 motorbikes when you've only ridden one or the other, isn't it?
Couldn't agree more. I have had one nft set up back in the 90's and I was thinking earlier, if I were to even do a hydro vs soil/coco grow then it wouldn't be fair when I am at best, a beginner in hydro.
Couldn't agree more. I have had one nft set up back in the 90's and I was thinking earlier, if I were to even do a hydro vs soil/coco grow then it wouldn't be fair when I am at best, a beginner in hydro.

i've had the misfortune of having to do the SHITE out of both rdwc and dirt. (i've grown more product in rdwc, but spent more time of my grow career in dirt.)
mr kitty also designs rooms for patients and we have to be able take all factors into consideration. for instance, we're not going to be setting up the couple who both have pain/mobility issues in a dirt setup unless we know they're going to have help come harvest/replant time.
at the same time, the granolahead hippy who grows for his wife who believes that "if it ain't dirt, it ain't medicine" is not going to be getting us to install a drain-to-waste in rockwool anytime soon. :lol:

we all have our grow circumstances dictated to us, to whatever extent. choosing one camp over the other really only limits your potential in the longrun.
lol at Granolahead, i think that's the 2nd time I have heard it on this thread, hehe. I only found out what granola was when I met my wife, her Mum makes her own, lol.

Also true, environmental and physical factors dictate.
lol at Granolahead, i think that's the 2nd time I have heard it on this thread, hehe. I only found out what granola was when I met my wife, her Mum makes her own, lol.

Also true, environmental and physical factors dictate.

your MIL's a granolahead? ;) *giggles*
This sounds like "My kid can kick your kids Ass" and at the end everyone gets hurt... or better yet for those that work out... protein shakes are better than real food( chicken, brown rice) don't want to get into to much detail. Just flower your girls and share it with the world..
This sounds like "My kid can kick your kids Ass" and at the end everyone gets hurt... or better yet for those that work out... protein shakes are better than real food( chicken, brown rice) don't want to get into to much detail. Just flower your girls and share it with the world..

This is my journal. I have promised not to fight with anyone. That Hydro vs. Soil post was not a flame directed at a specific user. It was just and experiment of mine. Findings?... Just demonstrates how immature all these soil people can be. I guess I don't have a right to state my opinion in my own journal without being attacked by 'friends.'
Im a soil grower and never made a statement that would be irrational or condescending towards Hydro, im personally going to have both ran at the same time same cut off same mother same lighting same nutes just one in hydro one in soil, although this is your journal its a journal on your current grow from baby to bud is it not? Keep growing your ladies take great pics of them with other half naked ladies and share your knowledge of your grow as it goes on... if you want the great debate search the forum there's tons of info on soil vs hydro... NOW post some PICS!!!:bigjoint:

Edit: Damn i just reread this im sounding like a MOD... sorry just would like to read more about your grow and half naked girls than ppl arguing over an old debate...
Im a soil grower and never made a statement that would be irrational or condescending towards Hydro, im personally going to have both ran at the same time same cut off same mother same lighting same nutes just one in hydro one in soil, although this is your journal its a journal on your current grow from baby to bud is it not? Keep growing your ladies take great pics of them with other half naked ladies and share your knowledge of your grow as it goes on... if you want the great debate search the forum there's tons of info on soil vs hydro... NOW post some PICS!!!:bigjoint:

Edit: Damn i just reread this im sounding like a MOD... sorry just would like to read more about your grow and half naked girls than ppl arguing over an old debate...

Yeah, I know it's a silly debate. I just wanted to see if we could have fun with it... Guess not. Some people take themselves waaaaay too seriously.

Here's a perfect example of how I really feel.

I think it's great that you work with soil. And I know we can be friends and discuss good grow information regardless of our differences. That's how Dr. Jekyll feels. Mr. Hyde wants to smash soil growers over the head with a stick. Lol.

Okay, back to the grow.

And BTW, there are worse things in life than mods... LOL Just kidding, guys. You guys are the best!
Shame to see two people who where smoking bowls together getting into a fight over a bit of weed. Very sad.
Shame to see two people who where smoking bowls together getting into a fight over a bit of weed. Very sad.

Shame indeed. But you don't talk shit if you can't really grow in real life. You know that, DST. That's the grower code. I would never mouth off on someone who's a better grower than me. You just don't do that on a grow forum. This isn't a patient forum where we discuss the best meds to buy. He's just confused. And I have a medical condition.

And lets not forget that Jin was minding his own business when he was 'lampooned' over there in Cheeze's thread. You're no angel, either.
I did gifaw at this lad. Funny.
He's just confused. And I have a medical condition.

And lets not forget that Jin was minding his own business when he was 'harpooned'.

And you were harpooned? :shock: I always took you for a stealthy slim fit guy who does sport at the beach inbetween bong rips, and there you are going off getting harpooned! tut tut, safer next to your grow. I was being funny there Jin, as I was on Cheezes thread (just for clarities sake). don't want bombs dropped on me.

Right, off to the bomb shelter just in case...WAIT FOR ME KITTY!!!!!!! (DID YOU BRING SOME 'ERB?")

[grabs dst, runs for bomb-shelter]

hey, you know me -- my tongue is planted firmly in my cheek the whole time i'm logged on. :lol:

I do know you. That's why I hope you become more and more of a regular player in the cast of crazy characters in here.

If you can get the ELPH 300 HS for significantly less than the SD4500 IS, I would go for the 300 HS. The SD4500 has a bigger display LCD (3" vs 2.7"), and the SD4500 has 10x optical zoom vs. 5x of the 300 HS. Those are the two things that account for the odd price difference. BUT the cheaper 300 HS has the bigger image sensor (12.1megapix vs 10megapix of the costlier camera). So it's the ELPH 300 HS hands down.

I did gifaw at this lad. Funny.

And you were harpooned? :shock: I always took you for a stealthy slim fit guy who does sport at the beach inbetween bong rips, and there you are going off getting harpooned! tut tut, safer next to your grow. I was being funny there Jin, as I was on Cheezes thread (just for clarities sake). don't want bombs dropped on me.

Right, off to the bomb shelter just in case...WAIT FOR ME KITTY!!!!!!! (DID YOU BRING SOME 'ERB?")

Are you looking at my ass, DST? Are you checkin' on this shit? I'm not fat. You take that back. Lol.

That's okay, D. Things won't always be 100% smooth sailing between an editor and one of his main writers. I know this. I wouldn't want it any other way. Keeps the content more interesting.

And hey, I may be a Warlord but I'm no tyrant. Who could bomb Amsterdam? Not me. Now where are DST and Mello hiding? I'll just follow the trail of pot smoke...
I do know you. That's why I hope you become more and more of a regular player in the cast of crazy characters in here.

If you can get the ELPH 300 HS for significantly less than the SD4500 IS, I would go for the 300 HS. The SD4500 has a bigger display LCD (3" vs 2.7"), and the SD4500 has 10x optical zoom vs. 5x of the 300 HS. Those are the two things that account for the odd price difference. BUT the cheaper 300 HS has the bigger image sensor (12.1megapix vs 10megapix of the costlier camera). So it's the ELPH 300 HS hands down.

thank you for looking into that. (see? i know you can be a prince when you want to be. ;))
okay, so, another hypothetical -- if you could get them both at a similar price-point, would you still go with the 300?
thank you for looking into that. (see? i know you can be a prince when you want to be. ;))
okay, so, another hypothetical -- if you could get them both at a similar price-point, would you still go with the 300?

I'm the artist formerly known as Prince.

Probably. It's really hard to get around the "you get bigger photos" thing.
hey jin, i don't think ive ever noticed you not being able to take a pic, do you do 24 light cycle?

soz if i missed sumthin way back. havin soooo much fun with my new cam, its soo easy to take a good pic, it has this touch focus sensor which alows you to touch the screen where you want it to focus in on, amazing shit for a average price cam, big jump from the 5mp olympus! i'll be able to get shots like you no worries....;) maybe

wanna see that larry
Another light question. Could someone who flowers using hps but then ran out of space in his growroom, take a plant in flower for the last 8wks and put her under T5s' in another room? And of coarse not affect the final finish that is?? I have this problem ,sorta. I have a sativa dom that still isnt quite done but i nned the space. Tha T5s' are also able to be put much closer. (5x 2ft.) Should only be another week maybe but i don't want to start growing more leaves or anything-- Thoughts???