Larry OG vs. Tahoe OG in Dual Monster Plant System (2nd Scrog)


Well-Known Member
great ending to a great grow man you said saturday your choppin right? frostapalooza up in that bitch great work :D


Well-Known Member
no shit man, that larry looks soo deeeelish you just wanna smoke it all day long, the tahoe on the other hand looks mentally damaging and extremely intoxicating!, well done man, a class act


Well-Known Member
Hey LJ,

I was up at UCLA today. Stopped in at the Beverly Hilton and had a Stoli. I love LA!

How are you feeling about being finished with this grow? I always feel happy and sad at the same time.

Have you lined up some ladies for the next grow?

One of the threads here has a guy who gets perfect melt bubble hash from his sugar leaves and he just puts them in the freezer right after trimming (they do not need to cure). He does it in small batches and gently stirs the leaves so he does not break up the plant matter. The hash he gets comes out almost white! When he burns it you can see in the pictures it melts into oil!

Have fun this weekend! I will be at LAX on Saturday.



Well-Known Member
Hey LJ,

I was up at UCLA today. Stopped in at the Beverly Hilton and had a Stoli. I love LA!

How are you feeling about being finished with this grow? I always feel happy and sad at the same time.

Have you lined up some ladies for the next grow?

One of the threads here has a guy who gets perfect melt bubble hash from his sugar leaves and he just puts them in the freezer right after trimming (they do not need to cure). He does it in small batches and gently stirs the leaves so he does not break up the plant matter. The hash he gets comes out almost white! When he burns it you can see in the pictures it melts into oil!

Have fun this weekend! I will be at LAX on Saturday.

I feel excited and filled with neck-aching dread every time.

I have nothing specific lined up other than a drive to PO. I'll call ahead. Lol.

Yes, I love LA too... as much as I hate to admit it. Lol.

I'll be thinking about you and your Malawi as I struggle to maintain sanity in the 10th hour. I'll set aside a few grams for you.


Well-Known Member
I hate to admit it too. But there is definitely a cool factor in some areas (like Westwood and Bel Air).

The Malawi is getting scraggily and I need to top her and get a screen up. I think I will get two more curtain rods and put the screen on them. I think that will be way easier than the PVC monster I was going to build.

And I am still not sure it is a girl :P

Here is a shot of the scraggle puss:



Well-Known Member
that is a beautiful pic of jin's garden! memories!

your plant will love you after a good topping, and you'll get a really nice clone off her if you want, a beautiful large clone that will boom!

you might even get Jin topping now ;)


Well-Known Member
Maybe I should give LJ the clone when I top her...? I would love to see what he can do with a 100% landrace African sativa ^^ I know you guys can't be here in person, but it sure helps to have you both help guide my grow.



Well-Known Member
I was just reading through FlowaMasta's journal and I came across a picture I love:

Hey, thanks! I remember that. I think it was just when I was getting over my flu and fixing my root algae problem!

that is a beautiful pic of jin's garden! memories!

your plant will love you after a good topping, and you'll get a really nice clone off her if you want, a beautiful large clone that will boom!

you might even get Jin topping now ;)
I'm scared.

Maybe I should give LJ the clone when I top her...? I would love to see what he can do with a 100% landrace African sativa ^^ I know you guys can't be here in person, but it sure helps to have you both help guide my grow.

I thought I was just cheerleading (without the skirt and pom poms)... FM gave you way more solid advice. Wow, a Sativa under my cage... hmmm...


Well-Known Member
I hate to admit it too. But there is definitely a cool factor in some areas (like Westwood and Bel Air).

The Malawi is getting scraggily and I need to top her and get a screen up. I think I will get two more curtain rods and put the screen on them. I think that will be way easier than the PVC monster I was going to build.

And I am still not sure it is a girl :P

Here is a shot of the scraggle puss:

It looks good. It looks Sativa.