Larry love's us

Avon lee

Active Member
I have a Larry OG(grown from seed) that is 36 days into flowering. I just saw a picture on here, where a guy harvested with clear/cloudy trichomes. From what I've read here,other sites and my trusty'ol horticulture bible, I thought u were suppose to wait until trichomes were amber/cloudy??? Now I'm no beginner in growing cannabis but I am unfamiliar with the LARRY strain.
I have been feeding with the GO BOX organics(Fox farm soil), but yesterday I bought some HUMBOLDT COUNTY FLOWER HARDENER, but have not used it yet. Does anyone have any experience with that product and is it safe to use it with the GO nutrients???
This is also my first time trying MOLASSES but I bought some of that too after reading A LITTLE on it. At 36 days into flowering, how much molasses should I feed and will it conflict with the go nutes or the Humboldt county???

I would really appreciate your help and feedback.20131023_191002.jpg20131024_125118.jpg


Well-Known Member
DJ Short says to pick when the trichomes are swollen and clear.
Amber trichomes are degraded and only about 10% THC and 90% CBN, which you do not want

Avon lee

Active Member
just read your signature... I have a monoecious SD flowering outside. Should I destroy it or well it yield a substantial amount. will it be packed with seeds? ive destroyed all the seed pods but I don't want to bring her around my girls


Well-Known Member
just read your signature... I have a monoecious SD flowering outside. Should I destroy it or well it yield a substantial amount. will it be packed with seeds? ive destroyed all the seed pods but I don't want to bring her around my girls
I don't know about yield, there is no reason to kill it unless you are worried about pollinating another plant.
You might as well let the seeds go, it is probably more harmful to remove them than to leave them.

Avon lee

Active Member

One of my larry's has seeds forming on the bottom node on on branch!!!
What should i do???? It is only 37 days into flowering!!!
Should i pull her out of my garden???
Please help immediately!!


Active Member
Just pick the pods carefully. And you need to look for light leaks and etc. Is CBN bad? I thought that was what was good for he stoney effect?
I dont smoke, just grow. Imclueless to that whole side of it and what each does. I just know to grow, and cut when I see 1 or 2 amber trichs. Most I know like it when it is clear/milky and when very little at all has degraded.

Avon lee

Active Member
Stll got pineapple's,SD's,Larry' s and a couple GSC's left. I checked for light leaks and there are none. I will thoroughly check all of my girls after work. But I only had 3 Larry's and now I'm down to 2. hope nothin else turned.