Large Scale Aeroponics Done Right (Professional Grower)

And to answer your question re communist, lefty? I’m neither, I vote for the most aligned with me, but I do think Trump was/is an ass and I don’t trust much of what you post re the virus as it all is very suspect as I pointed out but I don’t give two fucks if people do or do not get the vaccine but not getting it will sure as shit IMO limit what you can do if that’s even important re flying etc.
The form has turned toxic because everyone thinks there better than the poster before them. It does not help to include ones self by starting the same way.

90% of all growers here think they can grow because they have $10,000 worth of equipment. Drop all the equipment and force people into the basics and you will see how many people here can actually grow which is only around 20%.
The form has turned toxic because everyone thinks there better than the poster before them. It does not help to include ones self by starting the same way.

90% of all growers here think they can grow because they have $10,000 worth of equipment. Drop all the equipment and force people into the basics and you will see how many people here can actually grow which is only around 20%.
Well I would think the majority here can grow and going back to the basics is probably the easiest way to grow a plant. After all it’s just a plant! This poster started by saying she is better than everyone so with that statement yes your right she has contributed to the toxicity and pretty much deserves the shit storm. Expanding on the techniques is, for me, just more of a learning curve and I find it to be an interesting hobby, I like control design. I started out doing the basics 45 years ago and other than a pile of hard work (pretty big grows) it was an easy way to grow a pot plant. Where did you come up with the 20% number, I’m curious?
Well I would think the majority here can grow and going back to the basics is probably the easiest way to grow a plant. After all it’s just a plant! This poster started by saying she is better than everyone so with that statement yes your right she has contributed to the toxicity and pretty much deserves the shit storm. Expanding on the techniques is, for me, just more of a learning curve and I find it to be an interesting hobby, I like control design. I started out doing the basics 45 years ago and other than a pile of hard work (pretty big grows) it was an easy way to grow a pot plant. Where did you come up with the 20% number, I’m curious?

I did what everyone else here does and made it up. Lol. Basics are easy, but start watching threads every day and you will see that most people here can only grow because they have a system that does everything for them. That's why you see 10000 (again just making numbers up) posts asking questions about simple deficiency problems or is it male/female threads. Basics for those that can grow are just that basics for the rest its HELP I NEED HELP.
I did what everyone else here does and made it up. Lol. Basics are easy, but start watching threads every day and you will see that most people here can only grow because they have a system that does everything for them. That's why you see 10000 (again just making numbers up) posts asking questions about simple deficiency problems or is it male/female threads. Basics for those that can grow are just that basics for the rest its HELP I NEED HELP.

Sounds to me like jealousy is all :hump:
Nope, as there is no reason to. Overhead is pennies compared to revenue gained. I guess my time is probably worth something but I live by the philosophy that 'You never work a day in your life if you love what you do'.

My husband use to be a solar installer, we have over 85kW of grid-tie solar on our property. It was necessary once we realized we was over 16 miles from the closest 3 phase power lines.
there is such a thing as a 3 phase transformer that can change 240 volt single phase into 240/208 volt 3 phase... essentially 3 phase power is available installers are basically shovel jockeys...just above painters in the trade hierarchy
there is such a thing as a 3 phase transformer that can change 240 volt single phase into 240/208 volt 3 phase... essentially 3 phase power is available installers are basically shovel jockeys...just above painters in the trade hierarchy
And I would love to discuss the chilled water and room cooling requirements/set up and design ..... must be huge :o
there is such a thing as a 3 phase transformer that can change 240 volt single phase into 240/208 volt 3 phase... essentially 3 phase power is available installers are basically shovel jockeys...just above painters in the trade hierarchy

A rotary (or digital?) phase converter is needed for situations where single phase equipment isn't an option, like running a CNC machine at a location without 3 phase. Parasitic and efficiency losses will increase electricity cost and reduce the power available.

"A commonly asked question is what is the efficiency of a phase converter. Efficiency is a function of the useful power output so when expressed as a % it can be highly misleading if the useful load is very small. Instead it is more straightforward to discuss the parasitic power consumption of a phase converter. A typical 4-kW rotary has a fairly constant 500-W of parasitic losses (windage, bearing losses, iron losses, and copper losses). So at full power - supplying a 4-kW load, it is 89% efficient. Clearly as load falls off this efficiency figure worsens, e.g. to 80% for a 2-kW load, and 67% for a 1-kW load. This is one reason why it is better not to buy too large a phase converter as ideally one would like to keep parasitic losses to a minimum."