Large Enough Growing Space?


Active Member
Okay so I made a small growing space, will it be large enough? Its about 3'x2'x1.75' I have it surrounded in tin foil and have one 24" plant flourescent light and a fan (will be attaching two fans to the outside of the bin, as you can see by the square holes on the sides). Will this be big enough for 4-6 plants? I know cannabis grows 2-3 feet high, but I've see diagrams where you can tilt the plant to grow sideways, and I don't think it should have any problems doing that would it?

Here are the pictures: googlians - Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
The short answer is no, it isn't nearly big enough for 4-6 plants, and a 2' plant flourescent is totally inadequate. Tin foil is fairly useless as reflective material. It also looks like the entire lid is leaking light. Don't waste your time and effort.

jake blues

Active Member
cheesta a few cfl bulbs(100w or more) would do nicely in that box.some low gloss white paint would be better than the foil.but if your going to use the foil turn the shiney side to the wall,less chance of hot spots.and as lothar said seal up all the light omega said don`t give up.
if you go to the FAQs and read about scog i think it could help you with that small space.


Active Member
Hmm, well I got my first sprouts today... what if I put two of those lights in there? We'll see, I already blew $75 on this nigga-rigged contraption lol :roll: I'll check out that scog thing. Oh and I know it looks like a lot of light is escaping, but thats just how the camera took the picture, its not even close to being that bright when seen in person. Stupid cell phone camera.


Active Member
Well, They're Gettin' Older. I put ina second 18" GroLux light and the sprouts are looking good. I noticed that the first leaf colors on some of the plants have some blotches, I might be over watering?

I'm growing them in Miracle Grow potting mix, in peat pots for now. Used a little fish emulsion (that shit smells and looks like shit!) and a little organic terracycle plant food.

I don't plan on using any other ferts for a couple weeks, I bought some 16-5-5 fert spikes (are those any good?)

Also is it possible to make them flower and reach a max height of 24-28". I don't care about maximizing the amount of bud I get out of this. I just wanna say that I grew my own bud :)



Active Member
I've brought it down to 6 favorites. I'm currently testing on 3 of them with Fert Spikes, Miracle Grow Acid Loving Plant Food, and Fish Emulsion

I have one wierd one out of the batch:



Active Member
Im not sure about the miracle grow acid loving plant food i heard marijuana doesnt like acidity by the way-im growing one plant for my first time and its a small and bushy one that just started flowering. Its 6" tall with lots of leaves but i want it bushier