LAPD deploys swab test for medical marijuana at sobriety checkpoints

The oral swabs take about 10minutes to complete, as it did in my case, and it can detect cannabiniods in the body up to 48-hours after usage. I passed the test and never lied about my cannabis usage (also never told them). I used hydrogen peroxide for my breathe and mouth wash. I had a mouthful of slime, of course I got the job.

btw, the swabs are salty tasting and, as I said, take a few minutes to work. They are NOT as fast as a BAC blow test which is almost instant.

the oral swabs are a scare tactic and good.. Don't crash a car "high on pot" and give all of us a bad name, be responsible.
The oral swabs take about 10minutes to complete, as it did in my case, and it can detect cannabiniods in the body up to 48-hours after usage. I passed the test and never lied about my cannabis usage (also never told them). I used hydrogen peroxide for my breathe and mouth wash. I had a mouthful of slime, of course I got the job.

btw, the swabs are salty tasting and, as I said, take a few minutes to work. They are NOT as fast as a BAC blow test which is almost instant.

the oral swabs are a scare tactic and good.. Don't crash a car "high on pot" and give all of us a bad name, be responsible.

Exactly, don't give the gov.,cops, etc. the arms and legs to beat us with. Use common sense and ask for a ride or take a damn taxi if ya have to.
They can ask, you can refuse:

Not saying it'll end well! :D
This is one biggest fears in states that are now legal.. until testing methods improve greatly, I see lots of people smoking on a Friday and getting a diu on Sunday ..

I recently had to do a liver toxicology screen at the VA and when I checked the results online my reading for cannabinoids was 549 ng/dL.... the yes/no level is 50. If I smoked today I figure I'll still test positive on oh let's say July. :o
If you refuse to take a sobriety test for a suspect DUI they can arrest you
but not so with a drug swab test. In L.A. you can refuse a swab test and
you will not be arrested.
Oral swabs are not as accurate as a blood test. The oral swabs will not tell if a person is intoxicated, or if they smoked 48-hours ago and as sober as a judge.

This is a scare tactic, the police department knows how bad the lawsuits will roll down the mountain if they try to enforce this with DUIs. You cannot arrest a person because they smoked pot 2 days ago.

lawsuit, lawsuit, lawsuit! It reminds me of the hydroponic shop owners in Shasta county, they said, "THANK YOU", we never would have been able to legalize cannabis if your laws were not so unjust and illegal. It seems the police want to give a green light to cocaine, heroin, and meth junkies but they try to arrest 1 in 5 Americans if they smoked a joint 2 days ago.

The police department will arrest one guy who smoked pot 2 days ago for a DUI, he will file a lawsuit, and win.
This is one biggest fears in states that are now legal.. until testing methods improve greatly, I see lots of people smoking on a Friday and getting a diu on Sunday ..

I just don't see "lots of people" getting pulled over unless they are driving like idiots, in which case they have it coming. Just follow the traffic laws and check the those tail lights frequently (easy as looking at your reflection in the car behind you).

On second thought, I DO see lots of people driving like idiots, so maybe we will see lots of DUIs. Meanwhile, I'll be cruisin' on by at 65...
non sense . only way is to do a field test walk the line or count to 100 so on. if you fail that then. they can get a warrant to get a blood test. that swab test is total bull shit . how long does thc stay in your system . depends on your system how in shape you are the amount of liquids you drink how much you smoke how often, I was reading technical info thc could lye dormant in your system for months later . fail a swob test a month later ? lol
non sense . only way is to do a field test walk the line or count to 100 so on. if you fail that then. they can get a warrant to get a blood test. that swab test is total bull shit . how long does thc stay in your system . depends on your system how in shape you are the amount of liquids you drink how much you smoke how often, I was reading technical info thc could lye dormant in your system for months later . fail a swob test a month later ? lol

the swab tests dont pick up marijuana after a few days, sometimes less if you are a heavy soda or other acidy food/drink eater/drinker. i passed one on a Wednesday after getting stoned as hell on monday night. i just dont want to see a piss test man, with the extra weight i got on me id be testing positive for like 6 months lol.
I just don't see "lots of people" getting pulled over unless they are driving like idiots, in which case they have it coming. Just follow the traffic laws and check the those tail lights frequently (easy as looking at your reflection in the car behind you).

On second thought, I DO see lots of people driving like idiots, so maybe we will see lots of DUIs. Meanwhile, I'll be cruisin' on by at 65...

in my state, they set up diu check points, and put out cones, and every single car on the road has to stop and a cop sticks his head in the car, asks if you've been drinking tonight, and if they smell booze or have any other reason to suspect you've been drinking, you have to blow to go..
if they were to do this with cannabis, i'd be afraid something simple as having red eyes would be reason enough to suspect one with under the influence of cannabis, and you'd get tested..

my whole thing is about these tests, aside from how long thc stays in the system is also the fact that i don't think they've ever done one study any where in the world that tests how driving under the influence of cannabis effects one's driving ability like they have done with booze.. if they ever do one, i'd be all over it myself as i don't think smoking effects my driving in the least.. i have driven drunk when i was younger, but i don't any longer as i feel it is dangerous and unsafe to say the least.. i also used to smoke and drive when i was younger, and guess what, i still do it now.. why is that? because i don't feel that driving high effects my driving in any sort of way that alcohol does..
my $.02
in my state, they set up diu check points, and put out cones, and every single car on the road has to stop and a cop sticks his head in the car, asks if you've been drinking tonight

I think Hannibal is at the gates.. They could never do this in my area of California and hope to accomplish anything.. I have seen them set up "check-points" near me in Chico, CA. It is really funny, when they do.

option one: wait in a line for 10 minutes and talk to a cop, or
option two: take a detour like 99% of the people do.
option three: read the news paper because they are always announced. ( lol ) :weed:

Most places in California usually have many streets, it is impossible for the law to police them all. Police set up check-points in my area maybe 2x-3x per year, they NEVER catch a single person and it is a big waste of time and the cops know it. It's actually kinda funny, they always close the check-points around midnight. Shit, the parties have not even gotten started yet!
I think Hannibal is at the gates.. They could never do this in my area of California and hope to accomplish anything.. I have seen them set up "check-points" near me in Chico, CA. It is really funny, when they do.

option one: wait in a line for 10 minutes and talk to a cop, or
option two: take a detour like 99% of the people do.
option three: read the news paper because they are always announced. ( lol ) :weed:

Most places in California usually have many streets, it is impossible for the law to police them all. Police set up check-points in my area maybe 2x-3x per year, they NEVER catch a single person and it is a big waste of time and the cops know it. It's actually kinda funny, they always close the check-points around midnight. Shit, the parties have not even gotten started yet!

in my state, on highways, they'll put up a sign that says dui check point one mile, then they'll be an exit in half a mile, and all the cars coming off at the exit are the ones that actually get checked, there is no check point in a mile.. cops here are sneaky.. :D they started doing some tests at least. i am another of them long time smokers that knows their limits. as long as i havent been smoking hash for an hour straight or eaten a whole bunch of happy treats i am usually ok to drive. if, on the other hand, i feel like im too stoned to drive, i dont. but im also the 300lb dude who wont drive after two beers in an hour or 2 shots in an hour and a half. like was mentioned on another page of this thread, check your lights and dont drive like a dickhole.
That is crazy.
What is the standard test for being stoned?

i'm not positive nutes, but right now i think they do a swab test, which i believe could bust someone who had smoked a day or two ago, but i'm not 100% on that. plus, like i've said, i have yet to see any hard science that proves driving stoned is any sort of impairment like driving drunk..