LANDRACE Colombian Gold + Lumigrow Pro 650 + 500w CFL + Dyna Gro + 5x5 Gorilla Tent

Honestly I wanna say that they stretched for a good 3-4 weeks, however I wanna add that I don't count any flower time until I see flowers forming. That usually takes about a week but I believe with the sativas it was a little longer maybe 2 weeks. However some guys count from when they switch the lights ans that is a false measurement of the flowering time. If your counting from light switch it might take 16-17 weeks for that to finish. If your gonna be out of room you might wanna do like homebrew said and top them all. that will help force outward growth. Just don't cut all of them at the same time, its a beautiful plant it would be a shame to stress it like crazy now. I would love to see that plant taken outside as it currently is and left outside all summer, it would be 15 feet tall I bet.
Yeah - They get big outside but they do not like it when the weather gets cold:


Started to rot in December:


december seems REALLY late to leave a plant outdoors, thats why you gotta have the right enviroment to actually succeed with full bloods.

Oh ya and that plant is epicly huge man, did you get a ton of rot, or was much of it salvageable?
Honestly I wanna say that they stretched for a good 3-4 weeks, however I wanna add that I don't count any flower time until I see flowers forming. That usually takes about a week but I believe with the sativas it was a little longer maybe 2 weeks. However some guys count from when they switch the lights ans that is a false measurement of the flowering time. If your counting from light switch it might take 16-17 weeks for that to finish. .

Well, that's good to know. I was counting from the day I switched, Jan. 10th. Fuck....

@ Mohican - I get a ganja boner every time I see her. Beautiful, mayne.
Thundercat - I am going to build a greenhouse and use light deprevation to get them to flower earlier outside and finish when it is still hot.

GG - I do too :) Thanks!
I like the sounds of that mohican, seems like a great way to control things to make it work better.

The counting from day one is a common mistake to make man. The thing is that each strain is different, and how mature the plants are when you flower them can have alot to do with how long it takes to show flowers. Thus why its important to start when they do. You can obviously see these differances with the strains you have going, and how much farther the other plants are ahead of the CG.
^^I wonder if the breeders ever fuck that up. I'll bet there's at least a few of em' that have put the wrong flowering times for their strains. I wanna say that I'm @ 3 weeks into flowering if you count the day I first saw pistils. Pretty soon I'll be able to climb the magic beanstalk for riches. They're over 7ft today :cry: The good news is the other strains are starting to get a lil' frostilicious :bigjoint: I'll post more pics soon.
^^I wonder if the breeders ever fuck that up. I'll bet there's at least a few of em' that have put the wrong flowering times for their strains. I wanna say that I'm @ 3 weeks into flowering if you count the day I first saw pistils. Pretty soon I'll be able to climb the magic beanstalk for riches. They're over 7ft today :cry: The good news is the other strains are starting to get a lil' frostilicious :bigjoint: I'll post more pics soon.

The day you flip to 12/12 is day one of flower. I don't know who started the whole 'count from the day you see flowers/pistols' deal but that is incorrect. Some plants are slower to show flowers than others but the only reason they've started to show flowers in the first place is because of their reaction to the light cycle. Popping out pistols doesn't happen overnight, it's process that starts within the plant weeks before the pistols come out. You can choose to count from whatever day you'd like as your plant will be done when it's done. But if one thinks day 1 of flower is the day you start to see pistols, then I've got a bunch of 45 day strains on my hands :lol:.

In regards to flowering times being misrepresented by breeders, that's standard practice.
The day you flip to 12/12 is day one of flower. I don't know who started the whole 'count from the day you see flowers/pistols' deal but that is incorrect. Some plants are slower to show flowers than others but the only reason they've started to show flowers in the first place is because of their reaction to the light cycle. Popping out pistols doesn't happen overnight, it's process that starts within the plant weeks before the pistols come out. You can choose to count from whatever day you'd like as your plant will be done when it's done. But if one thinks day 1 of flower is the day you start to see pistols, then I've got a bunch of 45 day strains on my hands :lol:.

In regards to flowering times being misrepresented by breeders, that's standard practice.

Boy, am I glad to hear that. I realllllllyyyyyyy want them to be in week 5 instead of week 3. Tis' about time for these sluts to chill z fuk out. Either way, I'm going to rely on the loupe and not my calender, I just very much want the stretch to stop. I shoulda known when people said I was crazy for doing an indoor landrace that they probably knew more about it than me, lol.
The day you flip to 12/12 is day one of flower. I don't know who started the whole 'count from the day you see flowers/pistols' deal but that is incorrect. Some plants are slower to show flowers than others but the only reason they've started to show flowers in the first place is because of their reaction to the light cycle. Popping out pistols doesn't happen overnight, it's process that starts within the plant weeks before the pistols come out. You can choose to count from whatever day you'd like as your plant will be done when it's done. But if one thinks day 1 of flower is the day you start to see pistols, then I've got a bunch of 45 day strains on my hands :lol:.
In regards to flowering times being misrepresented by breeders, that's standard practice.

They do not just show sex due to light cycle, that is why some plants take longer to show sex even once you switch the lights. Plants show sex based strongly on their maturity levels. If you put a plant into 12/12 from seed it will usually still take multiple weeks before that plant starts to show sex. This is because it is not mature. I currently have about 8 plants that are vegging from seed, that have all began to show sex about 8 weeks after they broke ground, and have never been under 12/12. I just pulled 2 males that had produced fully grown balls under 18/6 veg lighting. Plants can be encouraged to show sex faster by changing the lights, however if they are not mature it will still take longer to start showing flowers then a mature plant. I am not saying that counting from sex is the only way, but I can't agree with you that it is wrong. Based off your agruement that flower doesn't start when the plant starts to flower, which in its self shows how silly your idea is, how would you suggest that outdoor growers determine when their plants start to flower. Exactly they start to flower when they start to flower go figure nature had it all worked out before people ever began switching light schedules.

I do feel that breeders commonly misrepresent the flowering times of their plants. I think it happens in both directions, some will say they flower faster then they do, but I also feel that some are judging their plants to take more time due to counting wrong.

You said you didn't know where the idea of counting form flower came from...on the contrary I don't know what would give someone the idea they should count from light switch. As I proved with out door plants, and nature in general, you don't say your tomatoes are flowering until they produce flowers, you wouldn't say that the daffodils are flowering until they start to produce flowers. Its all the same and only takes a little logic. If anything counting from the day you flower would give your plants that extra week or two that people are constintly telling people they need to wait when they ask if their buds are done. It doesn't make the plants flower any faster it just gives a more accurate counting point. I personally only will count by weeks too because once I get to my harvest window it will depend on the plants when they get pulled, not what day they are on.

To reiterate it comes down the plant maturity and genetics. You said it yourself "some plants are slower to show flowers then others", so why would you say they are flowering before they are?

Also ganja you are not crazy for growing an indoor landrace, the key for next time is less veg time because it will stretch to high heaven, and using more growing techniques, LST, super cropping and such to control the growth. I know you checked out my journal, did you look just at the newer stuff, or did you see the sativas I grew back in 09? They were 100% plants, they took longer to start flowering, and took longer to finish flowering, but they also yielded great and were some amazing smoke.
They do not just show sex due to light cycle, that is why some plants take longer to show sex even once you switch the lights. Plants show sex based strongly on their maturity levels. If you put a plant into 12/12 from seed it will usually still take multiple weeks before that plant starts to show sex.

Right, but 12/12 from seed is for kids growing in a PC case or a dresser drawer. That's not what is occurring in this journal.

I currently have about 8 plants that are vegging from seed, that have all began to show sex about 8 weeks after they broke ground, and have never been under 12/12. I just pulled 2 males that had produced fully grown balls under 18/6 veg lighting. Plants can be encouraged to show sex faster by changing the lights, however if they are not mature it will still take longer to start showing flowers then a mature plant. I am not saying that counting from sex is the only way, but I can't agree with you that it is wrong.

You're talking about preflowers which does not happen during the flowering cycle, hence the term 'preflowers'.

Based off your agruement that flower doesn't start when the plant starts to flower, which in its self shows how silly your idea is, how would you suggest that outdoor growers determine when their plants start to flower. Exactly they start to flower when they start to flower go figure nature had it all worked out before people ever began switching light schedules.

Who is talking about outdoor plants? This is an indoor grow where the grower has the ability to play God with the light cycles.

In regards to outdoor growing, breeders don't talk about how many days plants flower but rather when they'll typically finish (ie, second week of October, etc.)

You said you didn't know where the idea of counting form flower came from...on the contrary I don't know what would give someone the idea they should count from light switch. As I proved with out door plants, and nature in general, you don't say your tomatoes are flowering until they produce flowers, you wouldn't say that the daffodils are flowering until they start to produce flowers. Its all the same and only takes a little logic. If anything counting from the day you flower would give your plants that extra week or two that people are constintly telling people they need to wait when they ask if their buds are done. It doesn't make the plants flower any faster it just gives a more accurate counting point. I personally only will count by weeks too because once I get to my harvest window it will depend on the plants when they get pulled, not what day they are on.

Again, you're yapping on about outdoor growing which has nothing to do with what we do indoors with our manipulated light cycles. For your information, tomatoes don't need a 12/12 light cycle to set fruit, neither do daffodils.

You said it yourself "some plants are slower to show flowers then others", so why would you say they are flowering before they are?

You must think that a plant needs to have flowers on it to be 'flowering', maybe that's what you're confused about? Ever seen a plant go though the 'flowering stretch' while in veg? Nope, you haven't, but that stage is part of the flowering cycle.

Just to clarify, we're talking about counting the days of a flowering period for indoor plants. You can count however you'd like, but the rest of us count from the day you flip to 12/12.

Based on your way of 'counting flowering days', the plant below flowered for 42 days. Seems like a pretty dumb statement to make, huh?

I must say that I'm going to have to agree with Homebrewer on this one, but I don't think you're necessarily wrong. From what I've seen, this is a very controversial subject and I would agree that for your purposes (12/12 from seed) the pistil method would obviously be necessary. I would think that the flowering times are nothing more than the number of weeks the breeder estimates it will take for them to finish in flowering and I'll bet there are breeders who measure by the first sight of pistils, but would think most would go with the more intuitive 1st day of 12/12, especially with an indoor strain. Regardless, the only thing that really matters is the plant is done when it's done. Like Homebrewer mentioned, if the breeders were to measure by the first day of pistils, the buyers would be pretty pissed if their 42 day strain took 60+. Just my .02.
I think that homebrewer would be surprised how many people count from when the plants start to show flowers.

I didn't say that preflowers had anything to do with flowering, I said that they are a sign of sex which has nothing to do with the light cycle. I also don't gow 12/12 from seed and never have, it was merely an example of the plant needing to be mature before it would start to show flowers.

If the breeder measured from the first day of pistils then if it was a 42 day strain it should take about 42 days unless it has been stressed to hell or something. However if a breeder measured from 12/12 and it was supposed to be a 42 day strain then it might seem like 60 days after the plant goes through the transition. This is what homebrewer is calling the flowering stretch. If you read the side of your nutrient bottle it will likely have a recommended feed level for the transition phase of the plant growth. This is what the stretch is, not the same as a plant flowering. It becomes more evident in indoor grows because people jump directly from a veg light cycle to a flower cycle, but the transition is meant to happen more gradually. This to is affected by the plants maturity with regards to how long it takes, and its genetics with regards to how long it lasts. This transition phase would happen much less drastically if you lowered your lights on a weekly basis to mimic nature. But since we don't we see a rapid transition into the flower stage of growth.

You keep complaining about me comparing to growing outdoors but it is no different. Indoors you have the power to play god, and you can control every aspect of the environment, but what are you replicating. Your replicating the ideal conditions which would normally occur outdoors. They only say it will be ready outdoors in oct or whenever if they are running a single harvest, some growers will run 2 harvests outdoors a year, and will measure atleast the first one in weeks to "keep track of time". Other guys can't grow out doors till oct so they use light deprivation to achieve a modified light cycle and measure their time until the plants are done

If that plant was finished from beginning of pistil formation till harvest in 42 days then thats awesome, 6 weeks is not unheard of, and I don't think thats a "dumb statement". I have a white widow pheno that finishes perfect in 7 weeks(give or take a couple days). I also wasn't "yapping on about out door growing" as you put it, actually read what I wrote with an open mind and you might understand the basic principles I'm explaining.

I didn't say anything about tomatoes needing 12/12 to flower. I said you wouldn't say they were flowering until you saw flowers, I don't grow tomatoes but I believe this typically takes 6-8 weeks under a normal daylight cycle (18/6 ish)

Look any ways I'm not trying to come off like a dick, I don't think I ever called you dumb, or insulted you man. I think that saying things like " the rest of us count from 12/12" inaccurately groups lots of people in with you on a subject they have not weighed in on. I have only made the statements that I do this, and that you'd be surprised how many others do this. Both of which I know for a fact are true. I have been around these forums since 08, and other forums along with personally knowing more growers then I can count on my hands. Your very right though Ganja this is a very controversial subject as it seems many are with growing. I never intended to start a fight so I apologize if I came off that way. I don't try to push my beliefs on others though I also hate others claiming others are wrong for doing things differently.

Peace TC
This is a great grow!

Subbed up and along for the ride. Gargantua, this is the beginning of big things for you, well done--gardening is a fantastic experience.


P.S. And, FWIW:

To each their own.

But in my own methods, opinion and understanding, I'm with brewer on this one.

great thread, and a beautiful grow!

just my 2 cents... my approach is to log bloom days according to both schools of thought; from 12/12 flip as well as the first day of floral set. that way i can get a better understanding of how long each of my strains takes to complete the transition into bloom, the minimum night length to induce flowering (if on a diminishing light schedule), as well as when they are most ripe for harvest according to the effects that i desire from the plant.
Thanks, me too! Actually, I found the Lumigrow for a little under 1500 on Ebay, but I haven't purchased it yet. I'm waiting on my next set of paychecks which arrive on the 30th. LED's are hit or miss. If you don't get a light with the right spectrum & quality diodes, you're wasting your money. It's also important to remember that most LED companies don't advertise the actual draw; Lumigrow is one of the few. For instance, your 250w probably only draws ~120w, but I can't tell you for sure until I know who manufactured it.

Update: The 12-outlet 110lpm air pump is in z mail and I got all the electrical wiring finished! I've also decided that I'm not growing more than 3 ladies. I want to baby tha fuck out of em'

Quick Question: I have the 125w CFLs ~6" away from each corner post of the room and I'm scared that they're going to get hot and damage my tent. Anyone have experience with 125+ watt CFL's being close to their mylar?

the high temp on my cfls only get max 92 degrees unless it is just sitting on the mylar all day i dont thik it will burn.

nice thread big ganja ......and yes i am everywhere to get the best info and to see what everyone has got going on. happy horticulture
yo big ganja i meant to ask you are you putting the airstone in the bottom of your container under the soil
I'm actually only doing one in soil and I don't have any air pumping into it. Next time I grow soil, I'm going to put one of those flexible air hoses in there. I think it makes quite the difference.

Thanks, everyone! Ya'll are awesome and I'm so glad to have your support. It makes me feel great when people who know what the hell they're doing compliment my garden. This will be my first harvest if all goes well (knock on wood) and I need all the help I can get. Great minds think alike, Pitts. I bet having been in all the informative threads, you're a pretty knowledgeable dude. :blsmoke:

OH SHIT!!! I forgot to mention I didn't know the Cannabis Cup is in Denver this year!!! I'm gettin' a judge's pass tomorrow. I'm inexplicably fucking excited. Anyone else going?
I'm going as we have already discussed, should be a great time. I've never been to something like this so I'm not sure what to expect but I'm super stoked to get to go! I'm hoping I can pick up some genetics while I'm out there.