Landlord Inspection


Well-Known Member
So i got the dreaded call that my landlord will be stopping by to do an inspection. I am a michigan med card holder.

I was in the process of moving out already. I have ZERO plants/stalks/stems/ etc etc in the house due to being in the middle of shutting down and moving, all my lights/reservoirs/pots/etc etc etc are already gone. Although I still have not taken my filter box apart or my timers that are wired to the electric box.

I am really nervous about the whole situation, he s gonna be like "what is this giant carbon filter for." Why are there timers on the wall??"


Well-Known Member
As long as you dont damage the property and your legal, can he say anything? Its not even set-up, you could say you had reptiles if theres an issue?


Well-Known Member
i was moving out just like you are saying. the nieghbors seen me bringing out 10 lights and trays and pots and stakes so they called the land lord i wouldnt trip off it to bad.


Well-Known Member
its just a little embarassing cause its obvious but most of the time people should just be polite and act like they believe you


Well-Known Member
tell the land lord you were incubating an alien flesh eating virus and that you think it got loose . tell him that he is responsible for it and that he needs to call the police/HAZMAT TEAM and have a curfew issued for some type of alien flesh eating viruse that is airborne in your populous but tell him that it was for the incubation process. and that its on his hands now.


Well-Known Member
Tell him not to worry about it, and when you move out it'll all be back to the way it was when you moved in. If he has any other questions just tell him that you are entitled to your privacy and it's none of his business.


Active Member
I never understand why people grow. if they live in a rental were the landlord will inspect then they get scared. If your legal and moving and basicly shutdow WTF does it mater. F him and dont worry.

And if that doenst work. Wave you fingers at him and repeat "I am not the Pot head you are looking for"


Well-Known Member
I know in Arizona our law states you can't discriminate against holders of a MMJ card. If it's worded the same there, you can ignore it. If he says anything say it's none of his/her business.


Well-Known Member
Why not remove all your grow stuff before he comes??? Is there some reason you cant do that? Seems like the obvious solution to me...maybe I missed something...


Well-Known Member
i was moving out just like you are saying. the nieghbors seen me bringing out 10 lights and trays and pots and stakes so they called the land lord i wouldnt trip off it to bad.
Im assuming that you stayed in apts right? My question is with those many lights im sure u had a nice area of goodies but how did you get rid of the odor? wait....u had a carbon filter lol duh. Silly ol me


Active Member
I'm not seeing a really big problem here. Your within your rights (under state law, unless I am mistaken) to grow your own medicine and you are in the process of leaving the rental unit anyway. I might be missing something but I just don't see this evolving into a serious issue. That's just my opinion.

I do like the "carbon filter is for allergies excuse," however, and depending on your local climate you could claim the timers are for dehumidifiers. I know that with my migraines and the high local humidity a dehumidifier is all but a must if I don't have access to cannabis. I also know that they can suck a good bit of power overtime if you need to use them in more then one room so I can see a reason to run them at timed intervals (maybe say you have them turn off when you are at work but have them turn on like an hour before you get home so they have a chance to work their magic).


Well-Known Member
Typical landlords are only interested in one thing ... Is the property ok ... they are looking for damage ( that they want paying for before you leave )

As long as you have patched up holes and make sure its all clean and tidy when he arrives ... you will be fine :)

If you really wan to impress him .... spend a few bucks on some paint and spend a couple of hours painting the place up and tell him you have cleaned up a bit ::)

Roll your filter with a rug or a blanket pop some wood on it and make it look like a table :)

I'm sure it will be fine :)

good luck


Well-Known Member
Im assuming that you stayed in apts right? My question is with those many lights im sure u had a nice area of goodies but how did you get rid of the odor? wait....u had a carbon filter lol duh. Silly ol me
i dont grow in apts lol i had a 4 bedroom house with all the rooms blown up. my girl and kids live in a apt that i pay for.